Is it true that cooking with tap water can cause kidney stones? – Water tap is often used for cooking because it is practical and easy. However, the assumption arises that tap water can cause kidney stones.

Some people believe that the mineral content in tap water is at risk for kidney health. Is it true or just a myth? Check out the explanation reported by the page which aired on Tuesday (12/10/2024) below.

Also read: Is it true that tap water should not be used for cooking because it can trigger kidney stones?

Risk factors for tap water to kidney stones

Specialist in internal medicine at Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang, Syifa Mustika, explained that not all tap water causes kidney stones.

New problems arise if the tap water used is not clean or contains certain minerals in high amounts.

Content such as calcium, magnesium, or excess oxalate in tap water can increase the risk of kidney stone formation. Water with high mineral content is known as hard water.

Illustration of cooking and warm food with a gas stove. Shutterstock/beboopai Illustration of cooking and warm food with a gas stove.

Contaminated tap water

In addition to the mineral content, other risks come from tap water that has been contaminated with heavy metals or harmful chemicals.

This contamination can come from rusty old pipes or environmental pollution.

Although not a direct cause of kidney stones, contaminated water can have a negative impact on kidney health in the long run.

Therefore, ensuring water cleanliness before use is very important.

Also read:

Lack of drinking can also be a cause

Syifa also added that the risk of kidney stones is not only influenced by the type of water consumed.

Lack of fluid intake is also a major factor in the formation of kidney stones.

If the body lacks water, the urine becomes more concentrated and the minerals are easier to settle in the kidneys.

This increases the possibility of the formation of kidney stones, regardless of the type of water used for cooking.

Use safer water for cooking

To reduce risk, use water that has been through the filtering process or bottled water.

Cooking with cleaner water can help maintain kidney health in the long run.

If you keep using tap water, you should make sure it has been cooked until it boils.

This method can help reduce the content of harmful substances that may be contained in it.

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