Is it true that avocados make you young? These are 4 benefits for the face

JAKARTA, – Avocados are known to have many health benefits to starting to reduce bad cholesterol, prevent complications of diabetes, to reduce the risk of cancer.

Some even think that consuming avocados can make you young.

The many benefits of avocados cannot be separated from the richness of the good content in the fruit. For example potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin B (such as folate), vitamin E, and carotenoids.

But besides that, avocados are also beneficial for skin health, including facial health. So what are the benefits of avocados for the face?

Also read: 8 Ways to Choose Avocados that are Mature, What are the?

Reported by from Healthline, here are the benefits of avocados for the face:

1. Prevent facial skin damage

Avocados contain compounds that can help protect the skin from damage due to sunlight and inflammation to the skin still look young. This is based on research in 2011.

Research also shows vitamin C and vitamin E which are also found in avocados play an important role in protecting the skin from oxidative damage due to the sun and other environmental factors.

2. Increase facial skin elasticity

High fat intake, especially a healthy single -saturated fat as in avocados, helps increase skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

This was the result of a study in 2010 which examined more than 700 women by looking at the relationship between skin conditions and fat intake as well as antioxidant micronutrients.

Also read: Avocados apparently cannot be perfectly cooked in trees

3. Minimize acne

Antimicrobial properties in avocado oil can help reduce the face of acne prone. Therefore, avocado oil can be used to clean the face.

In addition, avocado oil used as a cleanser can help the skin feel more supple and moist.

Illustration What are the benefits of avocados?Shutterstock/pixel-shot Illustration What are the benefits of avocados?

4. Prevent dry skin

Avocados are a good source of biotin, which is part of the B complex vitamin.

Biotin is known to help prevent dry skin when applied. This can also help prevent hair and nails from becoming fragile. (Author: Zaenuddin)

Also read: Easy Ways to Storing Avocados Half To Not Easily Rotate

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