How to treat colds with cat’s whiskers leaves – Leaf This cat’s whiskers plant fertile body in Southeast Asia is easy to find because it grows a lot of wild on the side of the road.

Cat’s whiskers have health benefits, quoted from, including antioxidants, anti -inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antihypertensive.

One of the diseases that can be treated is a cold, here’s how to process cat’s whiskers leaves into medicine.

Quoted from the book “Leaf Miracle Series: Cat’s Mustache Leaves (Cat’s Mustache Leaves Very Effective Delusing Kidney Stones. In addition, it is also effective for cure diabetes, colds, gout, vaginal discharge, and back pain) (2019) by Hieronymus Budi Santoso published by a light tree. Universe.

Also read:

Recipe for cat’s whiskers leaf medicine


  • 1 tablespoon cat’s whiskers leaves
  • 1 glass clean water

Also read:

How to Make Cat Kunis Leaf Medication:

  1. The cat’s whiskers are boiled boiling until the water is only half.
  2. After that, ready to drink at once.

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