How to store coffee to maintain its quality

Garut (ANTARA) – Fugol Coffee Roaster coffee entrepreneur Jhon Richard Christhoper said that coffee is better stored in bean form so that its freshness is maintained.

“It’s optimal for coffee to always be in bean form, that’s why we always advise people to buy it if they want it grinder (coffee grinder), So, freshness“It’s still maintained,” said Jhon in a series of World Coffee Day events with Tokopedia and ShopTokopedia in Garut, West Java, Tuesday.

Jhon said that coffee beans contain volatile compounds. Some of the ingredients in coffee beans that have been ground will evaporate if stored for too long.

Therefore, according to Jhon, coffee that has been stored in powder form usually does not taste as good as freshly ground coffee.

“Ground coffee will not be more better it tastes better than coffee beans fresh grind. So, we always educate friends so they buy it grinder,” he said.

Jhon said that coffee in powder form should be stored in a tightly closed and airtight place.

According to him, ground coffee can be stored for two to three months, while roasted coffee beans can only be stored in a closed container for about one month.

Jhon also suggests selecting roasted coffee beans based on preferences for the desired end result.

If you want to make coffee using a filter, you should choose coffee beans with a light to medium roast level which will produce a strong aroma.

Those who prefer espresso are advised to choose coffee beans with a medium or medium roast level dark roast which tastes more bitter.

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