Chocolate candy recipe, simple and memorable valentine gift – Ahead of Valentine’s Day, you can prepare a brown snack as a gift for loved ones.

One of the processed chocolate that is easy to make is candy or Praline. This time, you can fill it with cherries.

Chocolate fruit candy can be created in various shapes and motifs. If you want to follow the recipe, prepare a ball -shaped mold to make Praline.

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More, see the chocolate candy recipe for 15 pieces from the book “Chocolate snack, delicious and attractive“(2008) by Nunung published by the following demedia library.


  • 150 gr white brown, melt
  • 50 gr milk chocolate, melt
  • Orange dyes to taste


  • 50 gr concentrated brown, shaved
  • 2 tablespoons of thick cream
  • 3 red cherry sweets, chopped,
  • 3 Green Cherry Candied, Chopped

1. Prepare the filling with a thick brown and thick cream until it melts and blends. Add cherry candied, stir well. Lift and chill.

2. Prepare a ball -shaped brown candy mold. Mix white white chocolate with orange dyes. Stir well. Prepare melted milk chocolate on the bottom of the mold, then cool. Pour the orange mixture, flatten to cover the entire mold wall. Cool.

3. Put the filled mixture into it. Cover with the remaining orange dough. Cool in the refrigerator.

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