Polemic Willie Salim Cook Rendang, Palembang residents are furious and will hold a matching event – the all page

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Rendang cooking content made by Willie Salim in Palembang Viral on social media and draws protests from local residents.

Willie Salim, who is preparing 200 kg of beef to be processed into rendang, is left for 15 minutes to the toilet.

When he returned, he was shocked because all the meat in a large cauldron had been taken out by residents, even though the meat was not ripe and still needed hours to cook.

This incident triggered the narrative that Willie Salim was considered demeaning Palembang residents for taking meat without their knowledge.

One of the residents of Palembang, Susan, who is also a tourist observer, expressed his anger over Willie’s actions.

Susan revealed a plan to hold a counter -cooked event at Benteng Kuto Besak (BKB) on Thursday (3/27/2025).

“What is the intention of Willie we do not know, but certainly as Palembang residents we are upset. We will hold a big cooking at BKB,” Susan said, Sunday (3/23/2025), as quoted by TribunSumsel.com.

Susan emphasized that the amount of meat to be cooked in the event was more than what Willie Salim prepared.

A number of organizations in Palembang, such as the Love Rakyat Movement (Green), also supported this event by donating 300 kg of meat.

The activity titled “Rendang Social Recovery” aims to restore the good name of the city of Palembang which is considered tarnished by the content of Willie Salim.

The event committee targeted 1,000 kg of meat to be processed into rendang and distributed to the community.

Also read: Chef Arnold joined the rendang content of Lost Willie Salim: Yes, a time of trust

“This is a form of Wong Palembang’s efforts to restore the good name of the city that was damaged by the rendang content,” said Susan.

He added that the event organizer in Palembang was ready to ensure that the event was successful and orderly, unlike Willie Salim’s content which was considered to have caused a commotion.

“We are not looking for a stage, just want the good name of Palembang that is already recovered. Because suddenly there are a handful of people who come to damage the good name of the city of Palembang,” he said.


Kanit Binmas Ilir Barat Police I, Iptu Rino Ardiansyah, claimed to have urged residents to wait until the food was mature.

However, when Willie Salim left the quality, many residents around the BKB who immediately scrambled to take the immature rendang meat.

Also read: Willie Salim revealed the incident missing rendang 1 cow, not entirely wrong Palembang residents

“When left Willie Salim, many residents around BKB scrambled to take the immature rendang meat in a hot cauldron. We had appealed, but because there were too many residents, it could not be driven,” Rino explained.

In addition, dark field conditions due to lack of lighting in BKB also made it difficult for security officers.

“The lighting lamp used by the Willie Salim team died. It was during the dark conditions that residents began to take rendang meat,” he explained.

Some articles have been aired on TribunSumsel.com with the title Furious about Willie Salim, Palembang residents will cook 300 kg rendang in BKB

(Tribunnews.com/mohay) (TribunSumsel, com/linda)

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