7 ways to neutralize the body after most eating coconut milk


Eid dishes are synonymous with coconut milk, ranging from rendang, chicken opor, to potato fried chili sauce. Not infrequently people are crazy eating it so worry that blood cholesterol levels will increase.

Coconut milk should be consumed in reasonable amounts and not too often in order to maintain health. If you already have mostly consumption of coconut milk, see how to neutralize the body back afterwards.

How to neutralize the body back after eating coconut milk

Reported by WebMD and Medicinenet, the following things must be done after a lot of consumption of coconut milk that is generally high fat:


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1. Don’t lie down

Drowsiness is common after eating. Even so, avoid lying down or sleeping afterwards. Stay standing or sitting upright so that food is immediately digested so that the stomach is empty faster.

Lying down can slow digestion and is more likely to cause acid reflux. Symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) can also occur worse. This is because lying stresses to the muscles that should keep stomach acid from rising.

2. Drinking warm water

Young Woman Drinking Pure Glass of WaterIllustration of Drinking Warm Water Photo: Getty Images/Seb_ra

After consuming fatty foods, drink water, especially warm water. No need much and quite a glass of water. Continued a few glasses of water all day.

Help water breaks down nutrients into easily digested forms and carries the remaining waste products and excess salt obtained from food. The water that is drunk also prevents dehydration and constipation.

3. Walk for a while

Flatulence can occur after consuming heavy food. Walking at least 10-20 minutes helps to facilitate digestion and balance sugar levels.

Just walk leisurely and not excessive. Exercise is too heavy after being full of eating can direct blood flow to the feet or arms, and not to the intestine. As a result can slow down digestion.

4. Consumption of probiotics

5 Differences in Yogurt and Greek Yogurt, which is healthier?Yogurt Illustration Photo: getty images/istockphoto/tashka2000

Probiotics such as yogurt, kombucha, and kefir are good for consumption after eating fatty dishes. This food is good for digestion and helps relieve heartburn after severe eating. Lactobacillus probiotic bacteria help prevent acidity and launch bowel movements.

5. Avoid cold offerings

Cold dessert like ice cream is the most delicious eaten after being full. Unfortunately, it will have a bad impact on the liver, stomach, and intestine.

The eaten dish will be difficult to digest and the digestive tract will experience excessive pressure. Digestive disorders and severe flatulence will occur.

After eating large, you should also not consume carbonated drinks. This drink contains gas that will meet digestion and make the stomach more bloated.

6. Exercise

Illustration of Weights Lifting or Sleeper BuildIllustration of Weight Weight Sports Photo: Getty Images/Kazuma Seki

At least 3-4 hours after large meals, exercise like lifting weights. This will burn some extra calories that enter the body.

Exercise also helps start the metabolic process and prevent constipation. Also do exercise regularly to control excessive hunger.

7. Eat high fiber dishes

For the next meal, choose food rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruits, and seeds. Foods are high in fiber helping to clean the intestine and restore damage caused by a fatty dish that is consumed before.

Fiber -rich dishes also help make full longer and release energy slower.


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