5 Tips for breaking the fast without a surge of blood sugar, fasting healthier!


When breaking the fast there are ways and rules so that blood sugar does not surge. Applying some of these tips will make breaking the fast to be more healthy.

The main purpose of carrying out fasting is not only looking for rewards and blessings. Fasting also has a big impact on body health.

But many mistakes are still made when dawn or breaking. Feeling not eating and drinking all day, the moment of dawn and breaking the fast becomes a place to eat frantically.


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Yet when breaking the fast there are rules so that blood sugar is shocking. Some simple tips are given by experts to maintain the stability of blood sugar when breaking the fast.

Also read: Not Just Food, Ketupat has many meanings

Here are 5 tips for breaking the fast healthy without soaring blood sugar quoting The Healthy Muslim:

5 Tips for breaking the fast without a surge of blood sugar, fasting healthier!Breaking fasting is more recommended with mineral water. Photo: Getty Images/Pawel Kacperek

1. Start with mineral water

There are still many people who break the fast with takjil in the form of sweet drinks. Ice syrup, mixed ice, and various ice with a mixture of syrup or sweetener that is widely considered as an ideal menu to cancel fasting.

Even though when it cancels the fasting fast, it is recommended to consume only mineral water. Consumption of drinks with sweeteners does sound refreshing but not healthy enough for blood sugar.

Nutritionists suggest some tips for changing mineral water to be more refreshing without artificial sweeteners. Namely by making it as an infusion water using lemon slices, mint leaves, or fresh fruits.

2. Eat slowly

The Messenger of Allah said, “When you want to break the fast, cancel with dates because it is a blessing. If there are no dates, cancel with water because it’s pure.” (HR Tirmidzi 695).

This means that when breaking the fast must consume food slowly. Do not because of hungry eye feels like eating a lot of food as fast as possible.

First start with mineral water, dates, and or fresh fruit. Continue by performing the Maghrib prayer, just welcoming a more filling dinner.

Tips for breaking the fast healthy continuously on the next page.

Check out the video “Video: Don’t forget to eat fruit vegetables at dawn to resist hungry!
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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