Jakarta –
Constipation often annoying. Based on expert research, there are five drinks that are suitable for launching defecation and prevent constipation.
When digestion is not good, some complaints are often experienced. One of the constipation that makes defecation feel difficult and requires greater energy.
When experiencing constipation running various activities will be very disturbed and feel uncomfortable. Usually to overcome the constipation of high fiber foods will be recommended for consumption.
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It turns out that in addition to high food and there are also some drinks that can launch constipation. Some of these drinks are good to be enjoyed regularly so that it is easy to make at home.
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Here are 5 drinks to overcome constipation according to Eat this, not that (2/3):
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1. Mineral water
Almost all health experts say that mineral water has a very important role for the human body. Starting from meeting the needs of hydration to overcoming constipation can also be done with mineral water.
“The main step to overcome chronic constipation is to meet the needs of hydration with water. Constipation is the result of a buildup of food that is digested and hampered,” said Melanie Marcus as a registered nutritionist.
Drinking enough water, especially after eating, can help launch digestion. So that the food that has been digested will be immediately pushed by the intestine to the anus to be removed.
2. Water and lemon
Caroline Thomason as a nutritionist said that lemon and juice contain vitamin C. These vitamins come from the content of citric acid which is proven to have many benefits.
According to the results of the study, vitamin C in lemon can act as a natural laxative for some people. This natural laxative has no side effects causing diarrhea as can be produced by artificial laxative products such as drugs.
“When consuming lemon water, lemon juice and mixed water will enter the digestive tract and this drink can stimulate digestion when emptying the stomach,” said Thomason.
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