7 Recommendations for breaking the fast at the Benhil takjil bazaar

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – One of the places in Jakarta to find takjil is in the Takjil Ramadhan Benhil 2025 bazaar. Snacks to heavy meals are sold there.

Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar opens during the fasting month at 14.00-19.00 WIB with takjil prices starting at Rp 5,000.

You can prepare cash or electronic balances to pay for snacks at the Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar.

Get ready to queue when you come to the place to buy popular takjil in Jakarta. The reason, the Benhil Ramadhan takjil bazaar is always crowded every Ramadan from year to year.

Also read: Enjoy Delicious Dishes and Save Prices, Promo Iftar 2025 in Malang

More, see the recommendation of iftar food at the Benhil Ramadhan takjil bazaar below.

1. Fried food

Fried vendor in the takjil bazaar is not just one. You can find fried food traders in the edge, middle, or bazaar area.

The types of fried foods available include tofu, bakwan, risol, pastel, to spring rolls. The price starts from Rp 2,500 per fried food.

2. Market snacks

In addition to fried foods, various colorful wet cakes also attract attention at the Ramadan Benhil takjil bazaar.

Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar is back at Ramadhan 2025 starting at 14.00-19.00 WIB.KOMPAS.com/krisda Tiofani Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar is back at Ramadhan 2025 starting at 14.00-19.00 WIB.

You can buy steamed sponge, roll sponge, lemper, rice cake, layer cake, cucur cake, beautiful sweet, to putu ayu for Rp. 3,000.

Also read: Fresh Fruit Ice Recipes Without Milk and Syrup for Breaking Fasting

3. Various porridge

The queue of mixed marrow porridge is among the longest in this bazaar. This food looks best -selling since last year.

Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar is back at Ramadhan 2025 starting at 14.00-19.00 WIB.KOMPAS.com/krisda Tiofani Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar is back at Ramadhan 2025 starting at 14.00-19.00 WIB.

A portion of porridge in a plastic container containing seven filling, namely white marrow porridge, pandan marrow porridge, green bean porridge, candil, purple candil, black sticky rice, and pearl sago.

Also read: Marble Steamed Brownies Recipe for Takjil Selling Ideas

In addition, there is also a champion porridge that is sold for Rp. 25,000 per portion and is no less interesting for you to buy at the Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar.

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