6 Tips for Hunting for breaking the fast at the Benhil takjil bazaar, don’t come tight

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Avoid coming tight when breaking the fast when you want to hunt takjil at the Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar.

Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar was observed to be crowded with buyers since the first day of fasting on Saturday (1/3/2025).

The location of the Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar is in front of the RW 01 Bendungan Hilir residents, as well as in front of the Benhil Subsector Police Station Building, Tanah Abang Police Station, Central Jakarta.

You can walk, bring a motorcycle or car, or take public transportation to the place to buy takjil hits in Jakarta.

Also read: 7 Recommendations for Iftar Food at the Benhil Ramadhan Takjil Bazaar

Kompas.com summarizes takjil war tips at the Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar so as not to run out of the following.

1. Come before 15.00 WIB

Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar is open starting at 14.00 WIB. Although still far from the time to break the fast, buyers usually have packed this bazaar since noon.

“When it is 15.00 WIB and above it will definitely be very crowded. Today alone, the first day of fasting, which we did not expect, it turned out to be booming,” said Chairman of RW 01 Benhil, Prety Abas, when met by Kompas.com at the location, Saturday (1/3/2025).

2. Prepare cash

A number of takjil traders in this bazaar serve payments via electronic money or transfers.

For those of you who often transact with Qris, only need to scan the payment code when buying takjil.

Also read: Recipe for Pumpkin Pumpkin Children for Takjil Iftar

However, you should also prepare cash because there are still traders who only serve electronic payments from certain banks. In addition, cash can also be used to pay for the sincere parking.

3. Take care of luggage

Takjil hunting queue at the Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar was seen around 15:45 WIB on the first day of fasting, Saturday (1/3/2025), when Kompas.com arrived at the location.KOMPAS.com/krisda Tiofani Takjil hunting queue at the Ramadhan Benhil takjil bazaar was seen around 15:45 WIB on the first day of fasting, Saturday (1/3/2025), when Kompas.com arrived at the location.

The distance between traders is quite close together so there are not many gaps to enter the bazaar area, especially when the buyer is solid.

Make sure to keep the luggage valuable during hunting takjil in this bazaar. In order to avoid criminal acts, a number of police stand guard in the area outside the bazaar.

Also read: The Enjoyment of Iftar with Samin Porridge at Darussalam Mosque Solo City

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