8 foods that should not be reheated

KOMPAS.com – If you like warm dishes when going to eat, we will usually warm up again.

Especially when the meal during Ramadan fasting, provides practical side dishes to warm up.

However, some of these foods should not be reheated because they avoid bacteria.

Check out the food that should not be re -heated, quoted from the Times of India and Southernliving page.

Also read: 9 Best Food for Sahur to Stay Powerful While Fasting

1. Rice

Rice is one of the most common foods that we almost re -heat. But you must know that rice can be a place to multiply bacteria, especially Bacillus cereus, which can survive cooking.

When rice is left at room temperature and then reheated, this bacterium can multiply and produce toxins that can cause food poisoning.

Easy to avoid tips is cooking rice in small quantities and immediately cools it.

Reheat only the portion that you want to eat and make sure it’s steaming completely.

Also read: Avoid These 8 Foods When Sahur, Make Limp, Fast Thirst, And Hungry

2. Spinach

Spinach contains high level nitrates, when re -heated, can be converted into potentially dangerous nitrite.

This can pose health risks, especially for those who have certain medical conditions.

The easy way to overcome this is to consume fresh spinach, keep it correctly and consume it in one or two days. If you need to cook it, avoid reheating food leftovers.

Also read: 14 Foods Causing Bad Baths During Fasting, Better to Avoid

3. Potatoes

Potatoes cooked can develop a condition called botulism if not stored properly.

When the potatoes are cooked and then left or reheated, they can accommodate bacteria that produce toxins.

Avoiding it, keep the cooked potatoes in the refrigerator immediately and reheat only once.

Avoid leaving potatoes that have been cooked at room temperature for a long time.

Illustration of Scrambled Egg or Arik Eggs.Doc.shutterstock/karl Allgaeuer Illustration of Scrambled Egg or Arik Eggs.

4. Eggs

Reheated eggs can be supple and can pose a risk of food innate disease if not heated to the right temperature.

Eggs can also smell sulfur when heated again. Easy tip to overcome this is to cook fresh eggs and consume it immediately.

If you have to reheat the egg dish, do it thoroughly and avoid reheating it several times.

Fillet Fried Chicken Illustration. Dock. Delicious dish Fillet Fried Chicken Illustration.

5. Chicken

Reheating chicken can cause protein to become hard and dry. In addition, if the chicken is not stored properly, it can pose a risk of food innate disease.

Avoiding the loss, just keep the chicken in the refrigerator and reheat only the part that will be eaten. Make sure it reaches an internal temperature of 74 degrees Celsius to kill potential bacteria.

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6. Seafood

Seafood is very sensitive to bacteria and can be easily damaged. Reheating seafood can produce an unpleasant taste and texture and can also increase the risk of food innate diseases.

The simple solution for this is to consume seafood immediately after cooking. If you need to store leftovers, immediately cool and reheat again.

Illustration of stir -fry caisim and oyster mushrooms. Dock. Delicious dish Illustration of stir -fry caisim and oyster mushrooms.

7. Mushrooms

Mushrooms contain protein and nutrients that can change when re -heated, potentially causing digestive problems.

They can also be tough and less good. Cook fresh mushrooms and eat immediately. If you need to store it, do it in the refrigerator and avoid reheating food scraps.

Also read: Avoid These 5 Foods When Sore Throat During Iftar

8. Savings Noodles

Noodles with sauce, especially cream or tomato sauce, can be soft and lose their original texture when re -heated.

The sauce can also be separated to fix it, just cook noodles and fresh sauce. If you have leftovers, store separately and reheat carefully to maintain the texture and taste.

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