Omelette 5 Ingredients Recipe, Simple menu can be adjusted according to taste – If you are tired of cooking eggs with a block, you can follow the recipe Omelette With these five ingredients.

This recipe is a basic recipe Omelette. You can just eat it or added with other ingredients, such as beef, vegetables, mushrooms, or grated cheese.

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Here are recipes and how to make Omelette which can be tried, quoted from the page BBC Good FoodSunday (2/23/2025).

Recipe Omelette


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of oil
  • 1 teaspoon of butter
  • Salt according to taste
  • Pepper according to taste

Also read: Bika Ambon Recipes Typical Medan, Use 10 Eggs

How to make Omelette

  1. Season eggs that have been beaten with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat the oil and butter in the anti-tent frying pan using medium-low heat. Let stand until the butter melts perfectly and bubbly.
  3. Pour the beaten eggs, tilt the pan to the right and left so that the egg covers the surface of the pan completely. Let the eggs cooked for about 20 seconds, then make a line in the middle of the egg using a spatula.
  4. Tilt the pan back to fill it back with fluffy eggs. Repeat once or twice until the eggs harden.
  5. Add Omelette With ingredients according to taste, such as beef, cheese, mushrooms, or vegetables according to taste.
  6. Fold the eggs slowly in half with spatula. Remove from the stove, then serve.

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