Previously the first female regent in Bima, is now the Deputy Governor of NTB


Indah Dhamayanti Putri or who is familiarly called Umi Dinda officially served as Deputy Governor (Deputy Governor) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). He was appointed President Prabowo Subianto at the State Palace, Jakarta, Thursday (2/20/2025).

Dinda was born in Dompu on November 19, 1981. He used to record history as the first female regent in Bima and now carry out the mandate as the Deputy Governor of NTB accompanied then Muhamad Iqbal.

Dinda’s work as the first Bima Women’s Regent and now as the Deputy Governor of NTB will always be remembered as part of the history of NTB development. Dinda is an inspiration for NTB women, proves that women are also able to lead and make a significant contribution to regional and nation development.


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Family background and education

Dinda was born and raised in Dompu, a district on Sumbawa Island, NTB. His childhood was spent in a family environment that supports and motivates him to always learn and develop.

Dinda formal education began at Dompu State Elementary School (SDN) (graduated 1993). He then continued to Mataram State Middle School (SMPN) 1 (graduated 1998), a superior school in the capital city of NTB.

However, for various reasons, Dinda could not continue her education directly after graduating from junior high school. He just completed the High School Education (SMA) through the Dompu Learning Community Quality Assurance (PKBM-LPMP) Learning Activities in 2005.

The spirit to learn and achieve higher education is never extinguished in Dinda. In 2018, he won the Bachelor of Economics (SE) from the Bima College of Economics (STIE). This education gives him a deeper understanding of various economic aspects that are relevant to regional development.

Not stopping there, Dinda continued to develop herself by continuing the Masters (S2) study at Padjadjaran University (Unpad) Bandung. In 2023, he won the title of Masters in Political Sciences (MIP), proving his commitment to continue to improve his competence and knowledge in the fields of government and politics.

Political Career Dinda Dhamayanti Putri

Dinda’s political career cannot be separated from the figure of her husband, the late Ferry Zulkarnain, who was the Regent of Bima for two periods (2005-2010 and 2010-2015). During her husband’s term of office, Dinda was active in various social activities as the Chairperson of the Bima Regency Family Welfare Empowerment (2005-2013) and the Joint Advisor of the Women’s Organization (GOW) (2005-2013).

Its activity in various social and social activities makes Dinda increasingly known and loved by the Bima community. In 2014, he was elected as Deputy Chairperson of the Bima Regency Regional Representative Council (DPRD) for the 2014-2019 period.

However, fate said differently. In 2015, Dinda’s husband, Ferry Zulkarnain died. It left a deep sorrow for the family and the Bima community. In this difficult situation, Dinda appeared as a strong figure and was able to continue the struggle of her husband.

Dinda decided to run for Bima Regent in the 2015 Bima Regent Election. With the support of various elements of society, he succeeded in winning the election and recorded history as the first female regent in Bima Regency.

Flashback when becoming Regent of Bima

As Regent of Bima, Dinda is known as a leader who is close to the people, is responsive to the problems faced by the community, and is committed to advancing their regions. He applies the principles of good governance in running the government, prioritizing transparency, accountability, and community participation.

The success of Dinda led the Bima Regency during the 2016-2021 period led him to be re-elected as the Regent of Bima in the 2020 Pilbup. This shows the Bima community still trusted his leadership and gave full support to him.

So Deputy Governor of NTB

After successfully leading Bima Regency for two periods, Dinda decided to take a greater step in his political career. He nominated himself as the Deputy Governor of NTB accompanied Iqbal in the 2024 Governor Election (Pilgub). The Iqbal-Dinda pair won the NTB Pilgub.

*Organization that Dinda ever followed*
Besides being active in the world of politics and government, Dinda also has broad experience in various social organizations. He once served as Chairman of the 2009-2013 Golkar Party (AMPG), Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) II of the Bima Regency Golkar Party, and was active in various other women’s and social organizations.

Dinda’s family

Behind his success as a politician and regional leader, Dinda is a merciful mother for her two sons, Muhammad Putra Ferryandi and Muhammad Putra Pratama. Although busy with various activities, he always took the time to give attention and support to his two sons.

Loss of her husband, the late Ferry Zulkarnain, was a tough blow to Dinda and his two sons. However, they made it through these difficult times with the support and love of the family, friends, and the community.

Dinda’s wealth

The latest Dinda wealth cannot be found on the Electronic Site Report of State Organizers’ Assets (E-LHKPN). He last reported assets in 2023 in the amount of Rp 14.71 billion.


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