KPU Officially set Man-Ferry Winner of Pilwakot Bima


The General Election Commission (KPU) of Bima City, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), officially established A Rahman Abidin and Feri Sofiyan (Man-Feri) as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bima for the 2025-2030 period.

The Bima City KPU determined the Paslon carried by PAN, Democrats, and PKS through an open plenary meeting at the Marina Inn Hotel, Bima City, Wednesday (5/2/2025). The plenary meeting was attended by Paslon Man-Feri, Acting Mayor Muhktar, Chairman of the Syamurih DPRD, Bawaslu City of Bima, the Supervisor Party, and the mass supporters of Man-Feri.

“Deciding and establishing A Rahman H Abidin and Feri Sofiyan as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Bima elected 2025-2030 period,” said Chairman of the Bima City KPU, SUAEB, in a plenary meeting Wednesday afternoon.


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Suaeb said Man-Feri won 49,032 votes or 50.36 percent of the valid votes in the Bima Pilwakot 2024. The vote acquisition was the highest compared to the other two paslon, Mohammad Rum and Mutmainnah (Rum-innah), and Syafriansar-Syamsuddin (Ansar-Syam ).

According to him, the determination of Man-Ferries based on PKPU Number 18 of 2024 concerning Recapitulation of the results of the calculation of votes and determination of the results of the election of the Governor and Deputy Governor, Regent and Deputy Regent, as well as the Mayor and Deputy Mayor. In Article 57 paragraph (1) letter b it is stated that the determination of the selected candidate pair is carried out with the provisions of a request for disputes out the results of the election.

“A maximum of three days after the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) was read,” he said.

After reading the Decree (SK), Suaeb submitted a copy of the decision to the Chairman of the Bima City DPRD, Syamurih, Bawaslu, the leader of the supporting party, and the Bima Pilwakot Winner Paslon, Man-Feri.

Optimistic inaugurated on February 20

After being determined as the winning candidate pair in the Bima Pilwakot, Man-Feri is optimistic that the inauguration can take place with other regional heads who are not disputed at the Constitutional Court on 20 February 2025.

“We are optimistic that we are inaugurated by the President at the Presidential Palace in Jakarta, because the dispute at the Constitutional Court has been completed and we have also been designated as elected paslon,” Aji Man said accompanied by Feri during a press conference.

Aji Man revealed that so far the two losing paslon, namely Rum-Innah and Ansar-Syam, had not given congratulations to Man-Feri. However, he appreciated all those who had realized a safe and peaceful Bima City Election.

“We thank all the citizens of the City of Bima, TNI/Polri, KPU, and Bawaslu who have succeeded in the safe and peaceful Bima City Election,” he said.

Man-Feri emphasized that the process of stages of the 2024 Bima City Pilkada was completed. From now on, Man-Feri no longer belongs to certain groups, but belongs to all residents of the City of Bima.

“For this reason, we invite all elements, including Rum-Innah and Ansar-Syam with their supporters, to jointly build a developed and dignified Bima City,” he added.


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