Alternative LPG, this is how to install jargas at home – The gas network (jargas) can be an alternative LPG that is currently rare in retail traders.

Jargas is a natural gas development program by PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) which is distributed to households.

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Without LPG cylinders, people can use natural gas that is flowed through the jargas pipeline.

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) noted that it had built more than 815,000 jargas joints with a 20,000 kilometer pipeline until 2024.

People who want to install jargas at home can follow the following guidelines.

Illustration of Tofu Fried Rice.Dock. Shutterstock/photo2rich Illustration of Tofu Fried Rice.

The registration of jargas installation can be accessed through the official website of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGAS) at quoted by the official page PGAS, Tuesday (4/2/2025).

Prospective users can also follow the registration flow through the PGN Mobile application to install jargas at home.

After clicking on the site, the community was asked to fill in the complete home address, including the building area and the current status of home ownership.

Furthermore, prospective jargas users are also required to fill the amount of electricity used, complete with evidence of electricity accounts.

Likewise with the use of fuel in one month and the type of gas equipment used at home.

For example, LPG fuel 3 kilograms (kg), LPG 5.5 kg, and LPG 12 kg. Meanwhile, the type of gas equipment consists of a two stove stove, a four -wait stove, and oven.

Finally, prepare a personal document in the form of a Resident Identity Card (KTP) to be uploaded to the identity page.

PGN will check the location of the house in accordance with the filled registration form.

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