Truffles chocolate ball recipes for valentine gifts – You can make the Truffles Chocolate Chocolate Balls in your own home for Valentine’s gifts.

Truffles chocolate balls are made with double cream, Dark Chocolate 70 percent, and unsalted butter, or fresh butter.

Truffles chocolate balls keep it in the refrigerator, remove it when it will be served, the following recipe is quoted from the BBC Good Food page.

Also read:

Truffles chocolate ball recipes


  • 300 grams Dark Chocolate Cocoa 70 percent
  • 300 ml of double cream or can be replaced with melted milk powder
  • 50 grams of unsalted butter or fresh butter

Also read:

How to make a truffles brown ball:

  1. Cut the chocolate and put it in a large bowl. Put the cream and butter into the pan and gently heat it until the butter melts and the cream reaches the boiling point.
  2. Lift from the fire, then pour over chocolate. Stir chocolate and cream into one to get a smooth mixture.
  3. Add other flavors to a truffle mixture such as oranges, caramel, or other or leave original. Cool and place it in the refrigerator for at least four hours.
  4. To form a truffle, you can use a lemon baller. Dip the melon baller into hot water and take a truffle mixture.
  5. Place it on a baking paper, shape into a circle. Immediately give toppings like pistachios, sprinkles, or powder chocolate.
  6. Place it on a baking sheet, then cool.
  7. If made as a gift, place eight to 10 pieces in foil paper or cup cups in a small box layered tied to the ribbon. Store in the refrigerator until it is ready to be served.
  8. Store the remaining truffles chocolate in an airtight container in the refrigerator, lasting for three days or can be frozen for up to one month. Disburse on the chiller if you want to be enjoyed.

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