Kupang –
Emanuel Melkoades Laka Lena and Johanis Asadoma (Melki-Johni) will be appointed as Governor and Deputy Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTT) on February 6, 2025. The inauguration of the Governor-Deputy Governor of NTT for the 2025-2030 period will be held in Jakarta.
The head of the Melki-Johni Transition Team, Muhamad Ansor, revealed that his team continued to coordinate with the NTT Provincial Government (Pemprov) before the inauguration. Including ensuring that Melki-Johni’s priority programs can be accommodated in the NTT 2025 APBD.
“At present the transition team is coordinating with the NTT Provincial Government’s TAPD, to integrate the vision and mission of the elected Gub and Deputy Governor. Especially priority programs are also accommodated in the 2025 APBD,” Ansor said, Thursday (1/23/2025).
Meanwhile, Melki Laka Lena claimed to have known that her inauguration schedule would be held on 6 February. Even so, at this time he is still waiting for information from the central government related to the technical inauguration.
“Still waiting for technical matters related to the invitation of the central government for the place and hours of inauguration,” said Melki.
Previously, the NTT Regional Secretary (Sekda), Kosmas Lana, revealed that the NTT Provincial Government had prepared the Melki-Jhoni inauguration process. Including the handover ceremony (sertijab) from the Acting Governor to the elected Governor and Deputy Governor.
“It has been prepared including the handover ceremony (sertijab) from the Acting Governor to the Governor and Deputy Governor of NTT, Mr. Melki Laka Lena and Mr. Johni Asadoma,” Kosmas said via telephone on Wednesday.
Kosmas added, the implementation of the certijab was waiting for the decision of the Acting Governor of NTT. “Usually the Minister of Home Affairs suggested to be done in their respective regions to be discussed, because certijab is one of the important moments. But later we will see what the development is like,” he explained.
The inauguration of the Governor and Deputy Governor of NTT is part of the inauguration of the regional head from the 2024 simultaneous local elections who did not litigate in the Constitutional Court (MK). This agreement was taken at the Working Meeting of the House of Representatives Commission II together with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Ministry of Home Affairs), KPU, Bawaslu, and DKPP on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.