What is Yu Sheng, a unique dining tradition at Chinese New Year celebrations?

KOMPAS.com – Every country has a unique tradition when celebrating the Chinese New Year. In Singapore and Malaysia, one of the traditions carried out is Yu Sheng.

Reported from the page CNN Travel, Yu Sheng/Yee Sang (raw fish) or Lou Sang/Lo Hey (Stir) Also called the throwing of prosperity.

In this tradition, people will surround the table while holding their chopsticks. After that, on the table will be served food.

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Every addition of food into a plate will be followed by lucky words. Usually, ingredients added such as vegetables, sliced ​​raw beans, sauce, nuts, or wonton chips.

After serving, everyone who surrounds the table will eat food on the table simultaneously. The trick, the food ingredients will be thrown as high as possible while shouting hope for the coming year.

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Some of the most popular luck phrases are spoken when this tradition is Huat ah! (prosperity), Xin Nian Kuai Le! (Happy New Year), and Da Ji Da Li! (Hopefully luck and fortune abundant).

Yu Shebg at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta.Kompas.com/silvita Agmasari Yu Shebg at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta.

It is said that the higher the throwing of food, the more blessings expected.

There is no definite historical evidence about the origin of this tradition, but this tradition is quite popular in Singapore and Malaysia.

Yu Sheng In Sinapura it is estimated that it has existed since the 1960s. At first this tradition was introduced by four typical Chinese cooks. They are Sin Leong, Hooi Kok Wai, Tham Yui Kai, and Lau Yoke Pui.

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Meanwhile in Malaysia, many people claim that this dish was created by the chefs, who were inspired by traditional fish noodles, in a restaurant called Loke Ching Kee in the city of Seremban in the 1940s.

This tradition is usually carried out on the seventh day of the Chinese New Year, also known as “People’s Birthday”.

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