Favorite Nusantara Food Indonesian national team players make citizens curious. (Photo: ist/okezone)
Favorite Nusantara Food Indonesian national team players make citizens curious. With so many naturalized national team players, they not only learn about culture but also try various tastes typical food Indonesia.
The Indonesian national team retainer automatically participated in popularizing Indonesian specialties. That way, more people will know and try Indonesian specialties that taste very authentic and rich in spices.
So what archipelago food does the Indonesian national team players like? The following review:
1. Sate
Sate is a typical Indonesian dish using chicken or goat meat as its main ingredient. The meat that has been cut is then stabbed and covered with various spices typical of Indonesia before burning on the coals of charcoal until cooked.
Chicken satay is a menu that is very liked by many national team players, such as Justin Hubner, Jay Idzes, Jens Raven, Sandy Walsh, Rafel Struick and Elkkan Baggot.
2. Fried rice
Fried rice is an Indonesian dish that is worldwide and liked by many people. This simple and created menu is also included in the list of favorite foods of national team players. Starting from Jay Idzes, Jens Raven, Shayne Pattynama, Kevin Diks, and Ivar Jenner.
3. Gado-gado
The salad of this Indonesian came from Jakarta. In this dish there are various vegetables that have been boiled such as tofu, kale, long beans, and others that are combined or watered with peanut sauce. The national team players who like the typical food of Jakarta are Jens Raven, Jay Idzes, Sandy Walsh, and Rafael Struick.
4. Soto
Soto is a typical Indonesian soup that on average contains coconut milk and the contents of chicken or beef. Soto has various types, such as Soto Lamongan, Soto Betawi and others. Three players from the national team included Soto as their favorite Indonesian food, including Mees Hilgers, Jens Raven, and Ivar Jenner.
5. Rendang
West Sumatra typical food that tastes medok which is also in great demand by people from various countries is a favorite of Nathan Tjoe and Justin Hubner.