7 Most Poisonous Mushrooms in the World, Don’t Consume

KOMPAS.com – Fungi are organisms that are often found in nature in various shapes and colors.

However, not all mushrooms are safe to consume. Of the approximately 70-80 species of poisonous mushrooms, only a few are truly deadly.

However, their similarity in appearance to edible mushrooms makes them very dangerous.

Here are the seven deadliest mushrooms in the world that you need to be aware of.

Also read: Recipe for Tofu Flower Mushroom Soup, Add Shrimp, More Delicious

1. Death cap or death umbrella (Amanita phalloides)

Mold death cap is considered the deadliest mushroom in the world. This mushroom is often found in Europe and is often confused with straw mushrooms or Caesar’s Mushrooms.

The amatoxin poison in this mushroom remains stable even when cooked, so it directly damages body cells. Symptoms such as severe stomach pain, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea appear within 6-12 hours after consumption.

Serious damage to the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system can lead to coma and death. One famous victim was Pope Clement VII who died of poisoning deathcap in 1534.

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