KOMPAS.com – It is important to increase the body’s endurance so that you don’t get sick, especially when the weather is uncertain. There are various ways to do this, including consuming certain foods and drinks.
Reporting from Real SimpleMonday (9/12/2024), nutrition is an important factor that influences the body’s immune system. Immune cells need certain nutrients to function properly.
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If you want to strengthen your immune system, consume foods and drinks that contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Instead, avoid or reduce consumption ultra-processed foods (ultra-processed foods) which usually do not have natural fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Here are some foods and drinks that you can enjoy to help increase your immune system:
1. Red peppers
![Illustration of red peppers.](https://asset.kompas.com/crops/EdooxKtg8FgjyDb7yKbwdhbX5Qk=/0x301:4210x3108/750x500/data/photo/2024/12/09/6756692dc7798.jpg)
Red peppers are good for helping increase endurance.
“Red peppers are rich in immune-supporting nutrients, especially vitamin C and vitamin A,” said registered nutritionist, Kristen Lorenz, quoted from Real Simple.
Vitamin C is said to have antioxidant properties and supports the activity of neutrophils, a type of white blood cell that helps the body fight disease-causing germs).
Meanwhile, vitamin A plays a role in the function of T cells and B cells, important components of the immune system.
Also read: How to Make Juice Rich in Vitamin C, Use Yellow Paprika
2. Green vegetables
![Illustration of green vegetables. When not having a transfusion, the number of platelets can be increased by adopting a certain diet, such as eating more green leafy vegetables.](https://asset.kompas.com/crops/-i9-ITqxJHPYOJR2nbLQyHLRwaQ=/0x0:1000x667/750x500/data/photo/2019/10/16/5da6676642efc.jpg)
Green vegetables are also beneficial for the immune system. One of them is spinach.
Quoted from Healthlinespinach is not only rich in vitamin C, but also contains antioxidants and beta carotene which helps increase the immune system’s ability to ward off infection.
Spinach will be healthier if cooked not too long.
Also read: Why does spinach shrink when cooked? This is the reason
3. Tempeh
![Illustration of tempeh, a soy product that can help reduce triglycerides](https://asset.kompas.com/crops/6-qyFCq04jb5fh4D8_-h_gCy4YM=/0x0:750x500/750x500/data/photo/2024/11/13/6734aaf6378b7.jpg)
Probiotic foods, for example tempeh, yogurt, kimchiAnd sauerkraut, not only good for intestinal health, but also the immune system. This is because intestinal function is related to the body’s immunity.
You can add probiotic foods two or three times a week for optimal results.
Also read: 7 Tempeh Fried Recipes for Anti-Boredom Snacks at Home