5 Legendary Culinary Recommendations in Padang that must be tried, guaranteed to make nagih! : Okezone Travel

5 Legendary Culinary Recommendations in Padang that must be tried, guaranteed to make nagih!

5 legendary culinary recommendations in Padang that must be tried, guaranteed to make nagih, (photo: doc okezone)

Padang Is a city famous for beautiful natural scenery. In addition, the city also has a variety of delicious dishes that have worldwide.

From spices rich spices to unique fresh drinks, every corner of the city presents an unforgettable culinary experience. If you plan to visit Padang, here are some culinary recommendations that must be tried, summarized from several sources, Monday (3/24/2025).

1. Sate danguang-danguang nan lamo

Enjoying the culinary in Padang feels incomplete without tasting Sate Padang. One of the most popular is Danguang-Danguang satay, known for its distinctive taste. This satay uses tender beef, served with a thick yellowish sauce that is rich in spices. The perfectly absorbed seasoning makes this satay a favorite of many culinary lovers typical of Minang.

Danguang-Danguang satay can be found on Jalan Jenderal Sudirman, precisely in Daya Bangun Village, West Payakumbuh District, Payakumbuh City. In addition, this legendary culinary is also available in the Jalan Simpang Kinol area, Padang. Open every day starting at 15.30 WIB until 00.00 WIB.

2. Ice durian replace nan lamo

For durian lovers, this place can be the right choice. As the name implies, this shop offers a variety of fresh drinks made from durian. Some mainstay menus include durian ice cream, durian ice, mixed guess ice, and durian float ice, all of which have a distinctive and refreshing taste.

Not only drinks, this place also provides a variety of delicious dishes such as pempek submarines, gado-gado, and lotek, which can be an option for visitors who want to enjoy other special dishes.

For the price, one portion of food or drink here is priced starting from Rp. 23 thousand, making it a pretty affordable choice for culinary lovers. This shop is located on Jalan HOS. Cokroaminoto No. 31B, Kampung Pondok, Padang Barat District, Padang City, and open every day starting at 10:00 WIB until 22:00 WIB.

3. Soto Simpang Karya

Soto Simpang Karya is one of the legendary eating places in Padang which has been established since 1979. The specialty of soto here lies in the fried meat until tender before served in a soup that is rich in spices. For lung lovers, there are also pulmonary chips as a complement that can be enjoyed with Soto.

In addition to its distinctive taste, the price of soto in this place is also quite affordable, ranging from Rp27 thousand to Rp30 thousand. This stall is located on Jalan Dobi No. 2A, Kampung Pondok, Padang Barat District. Open every day starting at 09.00 WIB until 20.30 WIB, making it suitable to visit at breakfast or dinner.

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