Which one is healthier fresh fruit or frozen?

KOMPAS.com – Fresh fruits and vegetables are healthy foods that can be eaten to meet the body’s vitamins.

Besides fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which improve health and more eating can protect themselves from heart disease.

Fresh products may not always be available, and frozen fruit products are alternatives that can be used but the nutritional value may be different.

Check out a healthier explanation where fresh fruit or frozen fruit is quoted from the Healthline and British Heart Foundation page.

Also read: Proven Dragon Fruit Health Benefits

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are usually picked before it is completely ripe, the distribution and storage process can take time ranging from three days to 12 months for several types of products.

It also gives fewer fruits and vegetables to develop various vitamins, minerals, and natural antioxidants.

During the process of distribution of fresh products is generally stored in cold and controlled temperatures and is processed with chemicals to prevent the decay process.

Also read: Tips for Making Delicious Fruit Salad, Create the Dressing

Frozen fruit

Fruits and vegetables to be frozen are generally picked at the peak of maturity and are nutritious.

After being harvested, the fruit is often washed, or boiled, cut, frozen and packaged in a few hours.

These fruits will be given ascorbic acid (a form of vitamin C) or additional sugar to prevent decay.

Usually no chemicals are added to be produced before being frozen.

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Some vitamins are lost during the freezing process

In general, freezing helps maintain the nutritional content of fruit and vegetables. However, some nutrients began to break down when frozen products were stored for more than one year.

Certain nutrients are also lost during the blanching process. Blanching occurs before freezing, and involves the placement of products in boiling water for a short time usually a few minutes.

This process kills dangerous bacteria and prevents loss of taste, color, and texture. But it also results in loss of water soluble nutrition, such as vitamin B and vitamin C.

However, this does not apply to frozen fruits, which do not undergo a bleaching process.

Also Read: 7 Foods That Can Trise Poisoning, There Are Meats and Vegetables

Nutrition in fresh and frozen products will decrease during storage time

Shortly after harvesting, fresh fruits and vegetables began to lose moisture, had a greater risk of rotting and decreased nutritional value.

One study found a decrease in nutrition after three days of cooled, when the value dropped to the level below the frozen variety. This is most common in soft fruits.

However, during the process of storage antioxidants such as carotenoids and phenolic actually increase.

Also read: 8 Ingredients Suitable for Vegetable Salads, Many Nutritional Content

Which one is better?

Nutritional frozen products are similar to fresh products, when a decrease in nutrition is reported in a study in frozen products, they are generally small.

Fruits and vegetables that have just been picked directly from the garden itself have the best quality.

However, if you shop at a supermarket, frozen products may be the same or in some cases, even more nutritious than fresh fruit.

Fruit fruits and vegetables are a comfortable and cost -effective alternative for fresh choice.

The most important thing is to choose a mixture of fresh and frozen products to make sure you get the best nutrition.

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