Tips for eating to stay fit during Ramadan, BB bonus down


During Ramadan, there are various healthy eating tips that can be followed so that the body remains fit. The bonus can also help attempt to lose weight! The following information.

Ramadan means Muslim fasting a full month to undergo the third pillars of Islam. Changes in eating patterns and sleep patterns will occur during this holy month due to the activity of dawn and breaking the fast.

To keep the body fit, there are some tips on eating at dawn or breaking the fast. Mainly the matter of meeting the needs of body fluids so as not to be dehydrated.


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During fasting, you can follow the recommendations for drinking with a pattern of 2-4-2. This means drinking 2 glasses of water when breaking the fast. Avoid consuming excessive sweet drinks.

Water is more advised to help replace body fluids that are lost after a day of fasting. Then at dinner, try to drink 4 glasses of water. This amount can be further divided into 2 glasses when eating and 2 more glare sleeping.

Finally, drink 2 glasses of water at dawn. Can be divided by drinking 1 glass when you wake up. Then 1 more glass after eating the meal.

Young Woman Drinking Pure Glass of WaterDrinking enough water helps to prevent dehydration during fasting. Photo: Getty Images/Seb_ra

Besides dehydration, the main ‘enemy’ during fasting is the body limp. This can be prevented by choosing the right food intake. Choose a complex carbohydrate source, high protein food, and food that is as a whole is nutritional dense.

One of the mainstay menus at dawn and breaking the fast is dates. The iconic fruit during Ramadan is a source of carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B6 and minerals including potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese and iron. The sweetness of dates can provide instant energy encouragement when breaking the fast.

Also consume eggs because this versatile food is a very good source of protein. Egg consumption can make the stomach full longer and the body remains energized.

In addition to consuming foods that are recommended, avoid some foods at dawn because the effect makes it weak all day. One of them is fried chicken.

“Although this dish is good, eating it can make people feel lethargic. Fried foods, such as fried chicken, can be difficult to digest and tend to be more ‘heavy’ food. The combination of fat and salt used can make people burdened and do not feel fresh,” explained Lauren Manaker, diet expert and writer, as quoted by Eat This, Not That!.

Also limit the consumption of white bread or or other packaged bread. Fresh bread is usually made from refined grains that have lost a lot of nutrients during the process. In contrast to bread from whole grains that still maintain the content of fiber, vitamins and minerals on the skin.

“Refined seeds such as white bread and white paste contribute to decreased energy. They are quickly digested, making blood sugar levels soaring. When blood sugar suddenly drops, the energy level decreases,” explained Lisa Young, a nutritionist.

Revealed! 5 Tips for Losing Effective Weight from NutritionistsFasting can also be a place for diet business aids. Photo: Getty Images/Disassembly

Good news for those who are trying to lose weight, fasting can also help the maximum weight loss. There are diet tips that are exemplary.

First, reduce calorie consumption. You can reduce the intake of 300-500 calories per day to lose weight in the fasting month.

Calories can be reduced by reducing food portions when opening and dawn and not consuming snacks.

Then avoid processed foods. Foods high in sugar, salt, and fat are usually low in nutrition and high calorie which can increase body weight. We recommend that you consume healthy food at dawn and break the fast.

Complete information about healthy eating tips during fasting, you can see HERE.


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