This Doctor Reveals the Body Conditions of People Who Love Raw Pork


A doctor shows the results of body scans of people who often eat raw pork. The results are terrible like this!

Some people may enjoy or like to enjoy pork. Whether it’s cooked, half cooked, or even raw.

In terms of enjoyment, perhaps raw or undercooked pork provides its own satisfaction. However, what about the health side?



An ER doctor (emergency medicine specialist) or a doctor who often treats patients in emergency situations shows what will happen to the human body if raw pork is frequently consumed.

Through an upload on the X application, doctor Sam Ghali shows the results of a patient’s X-ray and explains what is actually inside a person’s pelvic area.

As for the pelvis, the bones look normal. However, there is one thing that is quite interesting in the X-ray results.

If you look in more detail, it turns out there are white spots spreading all over the person’s body.

The doctor revealed that this condition was described as cysticercosis, in the form of cysts of Taenia solium larvae, otherwise known as pork tapeworm, reported (17/01/2024).

So, the white spots around the patient’s pelvis are pork tapeworms.

This Doctor Reveals the Body Conditions of People Who Love Raw PorkHere are the scan results of the bodies of humans who likely consumed raw pork. Photo:

This doctor further revealed that the life cycle of tapeworms is very complicated, but can cause great damage to the human body.

This doctor explained in more detail how tapeworms can live in the human body.

Its first life begins when a person consumes raw or undercooked pork. Then, that person will be infected with worms in the digestive tract, then will spread the eggs to other humans who eat the same raw pork.

“These cysts can travel anywhere throughout the body. Often to the muscles and soft tissue of the hips and legs,” he explained.

Ghali explained that these eggs will calcify (hardening of the blood vessels due to calcium deposits on the walls of the blood vessels) in the body. That is the reason why it looks like a white spot.

Ghali then revealed that infections like this are only contracted if someone has a broken bone. In this part of the body, tapeworms from pork are not too life-threatening, but if they spread to the brain, then big problems arise.

Muslims Must Know! Pork Facts and Myths that are Still BelievedConsuming raw pork can have bad effects on health. Photo: Getty Images/NeilyImagery

According to the Cleveland Clinic, too many cysts build up in the brain can put pressure on the brain, which can cause inflammation, swelling, seizures, other neurological conditions, or even death.

Professor Meng Qiang, chief physician of the Department of Neurology at the First Provincial Hospital said: “Parasitic worms have the greatest impact on the brain and affect the central nervous system.”

The worst, according to him, is causing epilepsy and even intellectual disorders. Some patients may experience limb paralysis and sensory disturbances.

Therefore, if you want to eat pork, it is better to eat the meat when it is cooked or has been cooked thoroughly.

Apart from improper processing techniques, consuming too much pork can also trigger health problems. Because it contains high amounts of saturated fat and can increase cholesterol in the blood. High cholesterol levels can increase the risk of heart disease.


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