Jakarta –
For fans coffeeconsuming it is a must. Not only in the morning, but many people like to drink coffee in the afternoon. This is the effect felt by the body according to experts.
Coffee fans can’t go through the day without a cup coffee. There are two types of coffee drinkers, namely people who enjoy it in the morning for breakfast and drink it in the afternoon to increase energy when tired.
Coffee Containing caffeine is known to increase a person’s energy. So that the body becomes fit again for carrying out activities. Those who work often enjoy coffee in the afternoon.
Reporting from Eat This (26/11), actually consuming coffee in the afternoon can have negative effects. This was stated by several diet experts.
Also Read: Drink Coffee Healthier with These 6 Easy Tips
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According to a 2014 study published in the Journal of Biological Rhythms, it was found that people who consumed caffeine equivalent to 2 cups of espresso within 5 hours before bed found it difficult to fall asleep. This causes sleep not to be on time and lack of sleep.
Due to lack of sleep, a person does not sleep soundly. The person will often wake up in their sleep and become tired when they wake up.
Research in 2015 in the journal Science Translational Medicine revealed that consuming coffee in the afternoon also causes the circadian rhythm to become irregular. Where a person should wake up early at around 06.00, then he will wake up 40 minutes late.
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Drinking Coffee in the Afternoon Photo: Site News/iStock Illustration
Consuming coffee in the afternoon is also not good for women who have experienced the menopause phase. Because menopausal women often sweat, the amount increases at night.
According to a 2015 study published in the journal Menopause, consuming caffeine or coffee worsens these symptoms.
“Limiting caffeine intake may be helpful for postmenopausal women who experience bothersome hot flashes and night sweats,” says Stephanie Faubion, a dietitian.
Apart from that, consuming coffee in the afternoon can also make the drinker urinate frequently at night. Because caffeine has diuretic properties.
So, when is the best time to consume coffee? According to Health Line (15/5), the best time to consume coffee is in the morning. The time is around 06.30 – 11.30, where the body’s cortisol levels are lower.
Also read: What are the benefits of drinking coffee before taking a nap?