These are 6 high blood pressure -lowering vegetables for routine consumption


The condition of high blood pressure or hypertension should not be underestimated. Sufferers need to pay attention to diet. Try routine consumption of vegetables that are useful as a high blood pressure lowering.

In addition to limiting salt consumption, sufferers of high blood pressure need to apply overall healthy diet. This disease should not be taken lightly.

High blood pressure alias hypertension increases the risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease. It is important to maintain blood pressure stability through treatment, changes in eating patterns, and lifestyle modifications.


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Research shows that certain foods including vegetables can reduce blood pressure naturally. You should enter the following types of vegetables into a daily diet to lower blood pressure.

1. BIT

Red Beetroot With Herbage Green Leaves On Wooden BackgroundIllustration of beets. Photo: Istock

Bit comes from the Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae family so that there is still a family with radishes and other roots. The color is fresh red and can be processed as juice or a mixture of salads.

Launching from Medical News Today, a systematic review in 2022 found, nitrates in beets can reduce systolic blood pressure in people with hypertension.

2. Siamese pumpkin

Siamese pumpkin is also one of the high blood pressure vegetables. Research published by the Atlantis Press in 2020 found that the consumption of chayote can reduce systolic blood pressure to 30 mmHg and diastolic 10 mmHg in the elderly.

Siamese pumpkin can also reduce high blood pressure in the mother after giving birth.

3. Basil

Basil leaves are often used to add flavor and aroma to food. According to research, sweet bacilli leaves contain high eugenol so that it carries a number of health benefits, including lowering blood pressure.

Eugenol acts as a natural calcium channel inhibitory. When the movement of calcium to the heart and arterial cells is prevented, blood vessels become relaxed and decreased blood pressure.

4. Celery

Increase sexual arousal, regular consumption of celeryCeedr. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Napadon Srisawang

Celery is widely used as a mixture of cuisine soup for its distinctive aroma. Apparently, this one vegetable can help lower blood pressure, especially the seeds.

According to one study, celery seed extract can reduce blood pressure in mice. Studies see a decrease in blood pressure in hypertensive mice.

Foods to lower blood pressure are in the next page.

Check out the video “Video: Don’t forget to eat fruit vegetables at dawn to resist hungry!
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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