Jakarta –
Many people experience insomnia or difficulty sleeping. This condition makes the sufferer easily tired. There are several foods that can cause drowsiness.
Insomnia is a condition when a person has difficulty sleeping. The causes can be anxiety, stress and depression.
Those who suffer from insomnia will stay up late at night. This makes sleep quality worse and you wake up tired in the morning.
Reporting from Well and Good and Clevel and Clinic, if you want your sleep quality to improve, you can overcome it with several foods that cause drowsiness. Starting from drinking chamomile tea, enough protein, to avocado.
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Here are 6 foods that can cause drowsiness:
1. Chamomile Tea
There are very various types of tea, some come from tea leaves and flowers which are often called tisane. One popular type of tisane is made from chamomile flowers.
This chamomile tea has benefits that can calm the body. So it is good to consume it at night before bed. Serena Poon, a nutrition expert, said, “Chamomile provides many other benefits, such as antioxidants, phenolic compounds, and anti-inflammatory properties.”
2. Avocado
Benefits of Avocados Photo: iStock
Avocado is a fruit that can be consumed as a drink or food. It is known that avocados contain unsaturated fats and antioxidants.
Poon also explained that avocados are good for insomniacs because they can cause drowsiness. “Avocado is a fruit that contains unsaturated fats which produce serotonin, which helps sleep quality,” explains Poon.
3. Complex Carbohydrate Foods
Foods containing complex carbohydrates have also been shown to cause drowsiness. You can try these complex carbohydrate foods if your sleep quality worsens.
Complex carbohydrate foods include brown rice and foods containing wheat. Such as noodles, bread, and others. There are also fruits that contain complex carbohydrates such as apples and berries.
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