Chicken Stew Recipe, You Can Use Leftovers from the New Year’s Menu – Leftover New Year’s chicken meat can be processed into delicious dishes. You can make chicken stew using shallots, tomatoes, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, tamarind water, sweet…

Spicy Barbecue Sausage Recipe, Ideas for Making New Year’s Leftovers – Sausages left over from the New Year’s grilled menu can be processed into dishes for breakfast. Sausages can be cooked into spicy sausages in barbecue…

Sausage Corn Stir-Fry Recipe, Using New Year’s Grilled Leftovers – If you have leftover grilled corn, boiled corn or sausages, you can make it into a delicious stir fry. Stir-fried corn sausage is made with…

Practical Chicken Soto Recipe Using New Year’s BBQ Leftovers – Chicken soup can be an idea to prepare leftover New Year’s barbecue meat with practical spices. You can make chicken soup cooked with shallots, garlic,…