Recipe for Fried Bread Filled with Chocolate, a Crunchy Snack for Selling Ideas – Fried bread is not only a family snack, but also a selling idea. For this chocolate fried bread recipe, for example, it makes about 49…
French Fries Recipe, Home-style Crunchy and Savory Snack Idea – Apart from rice, the government is preparing alternative carbohydrates for the Free Nutritious Meal (MBG) program according to each region. For example, MBG in Papua…
Vegetable and Tofu Bakwan Recipe, Crunchy Afternoon Snack Idea – Have carrots, bean sprouts, green onions and tofu at home? Instead of storing it for a long time until it wilts and ends up being…
Kembang Goyang Recipe, Crunchy Snack Idea – Kembang goyang is a crunchy and sweet snack that can be stored in a jar for the family. So that the dough doesn’t stick to…