Sluurp! Routine drinking coffee can healthy digestion and intestinal


Drinking coffee can not only make the body more enthusiastic, it is also beneficial for intestinal health and digestion.

During consumption within the limits and reasonable dose, coffee can be a drink that is useful for health. Of course healthy coffee is coffee that is not added sugar, artificial sweeteners, milk, to cream.

One of the benefits of coffee for the body is useful for digestion and intestine.


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Reporting from Sportskeeda (21/03), there are several benefits found in coffee and are good for digestive health. The following description.

Also read: 5 Suitable Fruits mixed with coffee so that it tastes special “in full

1. Encourage the chapter smoothly

Sluurp! Routine drinking coffee can healthy digestion and intestineSluurp! Routine drinking coffee can healthy digestion and intestine Photo: Illustration of Getty Images/Istockphoto/Dimasobko

In general, coffee has found benefits for many people. One of them is able to increase intestinal order.

Shortly after the coffee was drunk, there were some people who immediately wanted to go to the bathroom. This is due to the caffeine contained in it.

Caffeine in coffee will not only help us to be awake, but can also be a natural stimulant boost. The caffeine will help the large intestine and intestinal muscles become more active.

This condition will encourage food faster to the rectum, and cause abdominal pain to defecate.

2. Caffeine increases metabolism

In addition to increasing body activity and controlling calories, metabolism is also important to consider when you want to lose weight. High metabolism is said to be very helpful for burning fat reserves that accumulate in the body.

Caffeine is proven to be able to increase metabolism by 3-11%. As a result, the body will more easily burn fat reserves even when not doing heavy exercise.

3. Healthy intestine

Sluurp! Routine drinking coffee can healthy digestion and intestineSluurp! Routine drinking coffee can healthy digestion and intestine Photo: Illustration of Getty Images/Istockphoto/Dimasobko

A study reveals the relationship of coffee with intestinal health, this study shows that the antioxidant content in coffee can modify the intestinal microbioma in a unique way. This research was conducted by Nutrients evaluating intestinal microbiota from three categories of coffee drinkers.

The researchers found the fact that intestinal health was influenced by the polyphenol content in coffee. Polyphenols are antioxidants that have the effect of protection against chronic diseases such as obesity, degenerative neuro disease, diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases.

The relationship between polyphenols and microbiota intestinal has indeed been proven to make the intestines healthier. In addition to healthy good bacteria in the intestine, polyphenols also help reduce the number of bad bacteria in the intestine.

Check out the video “Reza Rahadian turns out to be a coffee lover, this is his favorite
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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