Kompas.com – Sweet iced tea is a drink that is often an option to break the fast. The sweet taste and the cold sensation can eliminate thirst after a day of fasting.
However, drinking sweet iced tea when breaking the fast is not always good for the body. Some nutritionists suggest to break the fast with warm water or warm sweet tea first.
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Professor of IPB University community nutrition, Ali Khomsan, said that cold drinks can cause digestive disorders for some people.
In addition, sweet iced tea can also trigger a surge in blood sugar and inhibit the absorption of iron.
This article will discuss 6 reasons not recommended to drink sweet iced tea when breaking the fast.
This information was quoted from Kompas.com (3/27/2024), HealthlineAnd Indian Express which discusses the impact of sweet tea on the body.
1. Causes Cramp’s stomach
Ali Khomsan explained that sweet iced tea can cause contraction or stomach cramps. This happens because the cold temperatures in drinks can make the abdominal muscles react suddenly.
The body that has been fasting for hours requires adjustments before receiving cold food or drink. Eating ice tea directly can make the stomach feel uncomfortable.
2. Triggering a surge of blood sugar
Nutrition doctor Tan Shot Yen said that sweet iced tea contains high sugar. Eating this drink when breaking the fast can trigger a surge in blood sugar levels in the body.
According to him, most people do not drink tea without sugar when breaking the fast, so that the sugar intake becomes excessive. This can be at risk for diabetics or people who want to maintain sugar levels in the body.
3. Interrupting the absorption of iron
Reported from Healthlinetea contains tannin compounds that can inhibit the absorption of iron in the body. If consumed together with food, iron from food is difficult to absorb by the digestive system.
For people with low iron levels or anemia, avoiding tea when breaking the fast can be a better step. Tanin in tea is more likely to inhibit the absorption of iron from vegetable sources compared to animal foods.

4. Causes heartburn and stomach acid to rise
Sweet iced tea contains caffeine which can increase the production of stomach acid. If consumed in an empty stomach, this can trigger symptoms of heartburn or worsen acid reflux.
Caffeine can also weaken the valve between the stomach and the esophagus. As a result, stomach acid more easily rises to the esophagus and causes a burning sensation in the chest.
5. Risk of causing nausea
Quoted from Kompas.com (1/7/2023), tea containing tannins that can cause nausea for some people. Tanin has astringen properties that can irritate the digestive tract if consumed in large quantities.
Consumption of tea on an empty stomach can trigger discomfort, such as nausea or bloating. Some people may experience this effect after drinking one or two cups of tea.
6. Can interfere with sleep quality
Sweet iced tea contains caffeine which can interfere with the sleep cycle if consumed excessively. Caffeine can inhibit the production of the hormone melatonin which functions to regulate the body’s sleep hours.
Some studies have shown that consumption of caffeine before sleep can cause difficulty sleeping or poor sleep quality. Therefore, you should avoid drinking tea at night after breaking the fast.
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