Jakarta –
Starfruit is easy to find in Indonesia, which has a tropical climate. This fruit can be used as salad or fresh juice. This star-shaped fruit also has various healthy benefits.
Starfruit is a type of tropical fruit that contains a lot of water. The water content can reach 91 percent per fruit, so it’s no wonder the taste is refreshing.
Ripe star fruit is usually yellow, tending to orange. It tastes quite sweet and delicious if made into juice with the addition of milk.
This fruit, which is often called carambola, can also be used as daily intake. Because starfruit contains a number of important nutrients and 3 healthy benefits.
Following are the nutrition and 3 benefits of star fruit according to Health.com (24/11).
Nutritional Content
Star Fruit Photo: iStock
One large star fruit (124 grams) contains low calories, amounting to 38.4 kcal. The content also includes 0.4 grams of fat, 2.48 mg of sodium, 8.3 grams of carbohydrates, 3.5 grams of fiber and 1.3 grams of protein.
Apart from that, starfruit also contains vitamins and minerals. Such as vitamin C and copper which are superior.
In terms of vitamin C, consuming large starfruit can meet 50% of daily vitamin C needs. Vitamin C functions as a powerful antioxidant. This vitamin supports immune function, collagen production, and many other processes.
Meanwhile, copper is a mineral that is important for energy and red blood cell production.
3 Benefits of Consuming Starfruit for Health
1. Increase body immunity
Star fruit contains various compounds that have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds include flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, beta-carotene, and gallic acid.
Therefore, star fruit can be consumed to increase immunity. If the body’s immunity is maintained, the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart and neurodegenerative diseases, will be reduced.
This benefit was explained in a study on 29 adults who drank 100 grams of fresh starfruit juice 2 times a day after eating for 4 weeks. Researchers saw a reduction in inflammatory markers.
Another study of 27 adults found that consuming the same amount of fresh star fruit juice also increased antioxidants. This starfruit juice increases levels of vitamins A and C which are associated with antioxidant benefits.
You can check the next page for other benefits of consuming starfruit…