Rica-rica grilled chicken recipe, spicy tray

KOMPAS.com – Grilled chicken can be processed with a variety of seasonings, one of which is a favorite of Rica-Rica seasoning.

Rica-rica grilled chicken is made with simple ingredients, there are shallots, curly red chili, tomatoes, sugar, salt, and kaffir lime leaves.

Rica-Rica grilled chicken can be enjoyed with white rice, see the following recipes. Quoted from the book “Ayam Bakar” (2023) by Dewi Soesilo published by PT Dedia Pustaka.

Also read:

Rica-rica grilled chicken recipe


  • 1 chicken, medium size
  • 1 lime
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 tablespoons of oil to saute


  • 12 shallots
  • 10 curly red chili
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 10 kaffir lime leaves
  • 250 ml of water

Also read:

How to make rica-rica grilled chicken:

  1. Clean the chicken, cut it into eight parts. Squeeze with lime juice and salt. Let stand for 30 minutes.
  2. Heat the stir -fried oil with orange leaves until fragrant and cooked. Add the chicken pieces, stir until stiff. Pour water, cook until the water runs out.
  3. Move the chicken into the heat -resistant dish. Cover the dish with aluminum foil, then bake in an oven that has been heated at 290 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes.

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