Kompas.com – Every month of Ramadan, the term takjil Often spoken and usually refers to snacks consumed when breaking the fast.
Various sweet dishes such as compote, mixed ice, and fruit soup are often referred to as takjil.
When looking for a place to break the fast, people also used to say “a place to find takjil”.
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However, did you know that in language, takjil is actually not a term for food?
In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), the word takjil has the meaning of accelerating in breaking the fast.
This word comes from Arabic, namely Ajila which means to hurry. Therefore, the meaning of takjil is more referring to the suggestion to immediately break the fast when the time comes, not the food itself.
Over time, the term takjil experienced a shift in meaning in its daily use.
People more often use this word to refer to the snacks that are eaten before the main meal when breaking the fast.
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Although its use has expanded, understanding of the original meaning of takjil is still important so that we are not mistaken.
Suggestion to break the breaking of the fast
In Islam, breaking the fast should be done immediately after the Maghrib prayer.

This is based on the habits of the Prophet Muhammad which always haste breaking the fast with simple food, such as dates or water. As mentioned in a hadith:
“Usually Rasulullah sallallaahu’alaihi wasallam Iftar with Ruthab (young dates) before prayer (Maghrib). If not there Ruthab then with Tamr (mature dates), if not there Tamr So he gulped a few sip of water. “(HR. Abu Daud)
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This hadith shows that breaking the fast with something simple but nutritious is more recommended, in accordance with the habits of the Prophet Muhammad.
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