Often eat fried foods? These are 4 threatening diseases


Many people often eat fried foods to cancel fasting. Not surprisingly, bakwan, fried bananas, tofu content, risol, until tempeh is always in demand in fried food artisans.

Actually, consuming fried foods to break the fast or dawn does not hurt. However, the portion and habit of eating fried foods during the fasting month must be controlled. Because, consuming too much fried food can have a negative impact on health.

The following are health risks that lurk if too much and often eat fried foods to break the fast.


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1. Obesity

Eating patterns prevent obesityFried foods that contain high calories and fat can cause obesity. Photo: Istock

Foods through the frying process tend to contain high calories and fats. Because, fried foods will lose the water content contained in it and absorb excess fat. As a result, these foods will have high fat content.

“For example, 100 grams of baked potatoes will contain 93 calories and 0.13 grams of fat, whereas in 100 grams of fried potatoes it will contain 312 calories and 15 grams of fat,” said a clinical nutritionist doctor from Eka Hospital Cibubur, Dr. Imelda Goretti through her statement.

Imelda said, foods that have high calories and fat can increase the risk of obesity. Obesity is a condition when fat that accumulates in the body is very much. If not treated immediately, obesity can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, to diabetes.

2. Cancer

Bakwan Vegetable, or Bala-Bala, or OTE-OTE, OR VEGETABLE FRITTER, is an Indonesian Snack Made from Flour, Cabbage, Carrots, and Bean Sprouts, Served with Chili Pepper, Peanut Sauce, or SambalFried consumption can also pose a risk of cancer. Photo: Getty Images/Ary Panggawan

Imelda said, high -potential fried foods produce acrylamide. Acrylamide is a dangerous compound that arises if the food is fried too long in oil.

“Known, [zat akrilamida] It is a toxic substance that causes cancer formed in food during the cooking process of high temperatures, such as frying, “explained Dr. Imelda.

He explained, acrylamide substances are chemical reactions from sugar and amino acids called asparagine. This substance is formed in some foods, such as potatoes, red meat, and stall foods that are processed with high temperatures, one of which is fried.

3. Heart disease

heart diseaseFried food also affects blood pressure and heart disease. Photo: istockphoto

Fried foods have a major effect on the risk of increasing blood pressure, obesity, and blockage of blood vessels that can cause heart disease. This is because fried food has high levels of saturated fat and trans fat so that it can adversely affect heart health.

Data from the Ministry of Health shows that cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks and strokes are the leading causes of death in Indonesia, claiming nearly 800,000 lives every year.

4. Diabetes type 2

According to a study by the Shenzhen University Health Science Center, consuming fried foods is continuously closely related to the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Based on this research, the risk of type 2 diabetes someone who eats fried food four to six times per week can increase by 39 percent. Meanwhile, if fried food is eaten more than seven times a week, the increase is 55%.

“Research found that people who often consume fast food have the risk of insulin resistance and cause type 2 diabetes,” said Dr. Imelda.

As an alternative, Dr. Imelda suggested eating healthy foods, such as dates, fruit juice, and mineral water as a iftar menu. In addition, he also appealed to the public to start changing lifestyles by using cooking methods other than fried, namely boiled, steaming, or roasted.


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