Margarine vs Butter, Which is Tastier and Healthier?


Margarine and butter have similar appearance characteristics. However, the nutritional content of the two is different. So, which type is healthier to consume?

Margarine and butter are food ingredients that function as fat. Usually used to spread food, mix cake ingredients, and stir-fry dishes to give a savory taste.

The appearance of these two food ingredients is similar, the color is slightly yellowish. The texture is also similar, like paste and a bit slippery.



Even though they have many similarities in appearance, margarine and butter are still different. The basic ingredients of these two types of fat are different, as is their nutritional content.

Reporting from Food NDTV and Fox News, the differences between margarine and butter are explained based on their nutritional content.

Here are the differences between margarine and butter:

What is Margarine?

History of Margarine, Inspiration from Napoleon III to Now There is Healthy MargarineMargarine Photo: iStock Illustration

Margarine is also commonly used in Indonesia. This fat is made from vegetable oil and additional hydrogen elements. Margarine is made as an alternative to butter which contains less fat.

Margarine is rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. This content is considered to be heart healthy, because it can reduce LDL cholesterol levels.

Quoting Fox News, the nutritional content contained in 1 tablespoon (14.2 grams) of margarine is 84.8 kcal, total fat is 9.56 grams, and saturated fat is 2.34 grams. Even though the total fat of margarine is lower than butter, Jillian Kubala, a dietitian from New York, warns that not everything low in fat is better.

What Is Butter?

Butter is a dairy product made from churning cream. It is known to contain quite high levels of saturated fat, but is often used in cooking. Usually for stir-frying or making cake dough.

It is also important to know that consuming too much butter can cause blood cholesterol to rise. Some studies also show a link to heart disease.

What about the nutritional content? In 1 tablespoon of butter (14.2 grams) there are 102 kcal, 11.5 grams of total fat, and 7.3 grams of saturated fat.

Watch Video “The deliciousness of Durian Butter on the slopes of Mount Semeru which is creamy and delicious
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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