Malaysian curry fried noodles, typical culinary in Jawa Denpasar village


Malaysian curry fried noodles or mamak fried noodles are a culinary choice that must be tried while in the area of ​​the Baiturrahmah Grand Mosque, Wanasari Hamlet, Denpasar, which is better known as Javanese village. This noodle has a strong aroma of spices and large portions, suitable for culinary lovers with a rich taste.

Kari fried noodle trader, Muhammad Muhaid (25), claimed to have started selling since last year’s Ramadan in Jawa Village. Previously, he spent about seven months to learn to make curry fried noodles in Malaysia. Muhaid then sells noodles with them fried curry.

“We sell in Bali because many people are looking for and like this fried noodles. But, not many people sell,” Muhaid said when found in Jawa Village on Sunday (9/3/2025).


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One serving of curry fried noodles sells for Rp. 20 thousand. This dish consists of noodles, sausage pieces, mustard greens, cabbage, onions, and scrambled eggs. Additional beef eye eggs are charged Rp. 5 thousand.

“For the spice of the work, it has a concoction of it. If the Malaysian curry is a mixture of Malay and the Indian mixture,” he said.

This curry seasoning is combined with soy sauce, sauce, and various toppings, producing thick fried noodles with a strong aroma of spices. The taste is tasty, quite spicy, and filling because of its large portions, can be enjoyed by two people.

“For the noodles we make it ourselves. We made noodles from 09.00 to 13.00 WITA,” he added.

The appearance of the typical Malaysian curry fried mee sold in the area of ​​the Baiturrahmah Grand Mosque, Wanasari Hamlet, Denpasar.The appearance of the typical Malaysian curry fried mee sold in the area of ​​the Baiturrahmah Grand Mosque, Wanasari Hamlet, Denpasar. Photo: Karsiani Putri/DetikBali

Muhaid explained, during the month of Ramadan, he could spend 40-50 kg of noodles per day. While when selling at Renon’s car free day, the number of processed noodles can reach 90 kg.

Consumers of fried curry noodles do not only come from around Javanese villages, but also from Jimbaran, Padangbai, to Badung.

“We are not only selling (curry fried noodles), but charity. So, all the benefits we can get into the foundation,” he admitted.

He said the same thing was also applied in other branches in Aceh, Jakarta, Bandung, to Papua. At present, there are around 17 branches spread throughout Indonesia.

“Actually, we were not selling for our own interests, and we were not paid. So, voluntarily. The term is madd, to provide benefits to other communities. So, we try to do good especially in the month of Ramadan,” he said.

During the month of Ramadan, curry fried noodles are open every day from 14.00 to 18.00 WITA. While during Renon’s car free day, they sell at dawn until 11.00 Wita.


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