Jakarta –
There is a long list of foods that should not be eaten with durian fruit. This food is not recommended to be eaten together with this king of fruit.
Durian, with its distinctive sharp aroma, is known as one of the most popular tropical fruits in Southeast Asia. The taste is sweet, the texture is soft, but durian has a unique nutritional composition.
After eating this fruit, it may trigger digestive disorders and have more serious effects on health. Even in certain diseases such as diabetes, for example, it is feared that durian will worsen diabetes if consumed too often.
List of Foods and Drinks That Should Not Be Eaten with Durian
Durian (Durio spp.) is a tropical fruit that is loved in the Southeast Asia region, including Indonesia. You need to know the uniqueness and content of durian fruit with a list of foods that should not be eaten together.
The WebMD page says that when eating durian, you need to pay attention to portion sizes, especially if you have health problems. Apart from diabetes, the Siloam Hospitals website also explains that gout sufferers need to avoid consuming durian because it contains high amounts of purine.
The combination of certain foods with durian can have unpleasant effects on the body. The following is a list of foods that should be avoided when eating durian, reported on the WebMD, Says and VnExpress pages:
1. Alcohol
Do not drink alcohol if you consume durian. Drinking alcohol and consuming durian can increase the side effects of alcohol.
Dr. Huynh Tan Vu from Ho Chi Minh City University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital, in the VnExpress article explains that consuming durian with alcohol can produce excessive body heat. For people with diabetes or high blood pressure, the ingredients in alcohol and durian will worsen the symptoms.
2. Coffee
Quoting the Says website, Dr Ahmad Samhan explained that the fruit, which is also popular with Malaysians, contains sulfur and is high in carbohydrates. This doctor from a neighboring country explained that on the other hand, coffee contains caffeine. The combination of the two substances contained can cause dehydration.
In addition, combining durian with coffee can cause digestive problems. Consuming both in healthy people is not dangerous, but it can trigger stomach acid in someone with a previous history of stomach ulcers.
The combination of durian and coffee can also trigger the risk of drunkenness or mild poisoning. After eating durian, wait at least four to six hours before drinking coffee.
3. Spicy Food
Both Dr Ahmad Samhan and Dr. Huynh Tan Vu, in the same vein, said that consuming durian should not be eaten with spicy food. Durian is known for its ‘hot taste’, which of course will worsen digestion if combined with spicy food.
Taking both together can cause anxiety and discomfort. Also avoid consuming oily, spicy and high protein foods after eating durian.
4. Meat
Beef, lamb and pork are not recommended to be consumed with durian. Because durian contains sugar, potassium, fat and a high glycemic index. Meat is also rich in protein and fat.
Saturated fat in meat can increase blood cholesterol levels. Eating durian with this flesh can cause a spike in cholesterol levels.
5. Drinks and Sweet Foods
Dr Ahmad Samhan said that apart from alcoholic drinks, drinks and foods that contain high sugar are also not recommended. Such as carbonated drinks or soda, to fruit that is high in sugar.
Dr Ahmad explained that combining foods or drinks that can cause excessive stress on the body can worsen symptoms for sufferers such as diabetes. He suggested that after eating durian, drink lots of water to help get rid of toxins in the body.
So, that’s a list of 5 foods that should not be consumed together with durian fruit. It is better to eat durian together with drinking water, so that the portion of durian can be more controlled.