Limit consumption! 5 This food and drink is triggered by dehydration when fasting


Keeping the body hydrated during fasting is very important. However, there are some foods and drinks that actually trigger dehydration if consumed at dawn or breaking.

Dehydration occurs when the body loses more fluids than received. Some signs of dehydration to watch out for during fasting. Like thirst, mouth and lips dry, urine is dark and smells sharp, easily tired, dizziness, or lethargic, and the frequency of urination is reduced.

In order to remain hydrated, it is important to avoid food and drinks that actually accelerate the loss of fluids from the body. Here are some foods and drinks that should be avoided at dawn and breaking, launch Real Simple:


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1. Foods High Salt

5 Facts of the Dark Set of Salt that Functioned FoodsSalt that functions to attach food Photo: getty images/sight

Salt has a diuretic effect that makes the body remove more fluids through urine. Consumption of high salt foods at dawn or breaking the fast can make the body thirsty faster and at risk of dehydration.

Some foods that contain high salt such as processed foods such as sausages, nuggets, smoked meat, chips, salted snacks, and salt -wrapped beans. Then there are also fast food such as burgers and fried chicken. In fact, soy sauce and high sodium processed sauce should also be avoided.

As an alternative, choose fresh foods such as vegetables, fruit, and side dishes without excessive salt.

2. Foods High Sugar

Sugar can pull the liquid from body cells and make us feel faster. In addition, sweet foods can cause a rapid surge of energy but followed by a weakness afterwards.

When dawn and breaking the fast should avoid soft drinks and packaging juices. Various cakes, donuts, to candy should also be avoided or reduced. As an alternative, choose fresh fruit such as watermelons, oranges, and melons that contain lots of water and natural fiber.

3. Ultra Process Food

Young woman is preparing a traditional Swiss Cheese Raclette.processed food. Photo: Getty Images/Istockphoto/Andrii Pohranychnyi

Ultra food process contains a combination of high salt, sugar, and fat that can worsen dehydration. In addition, this food is also low in water content, so it does not help maintain the body’s hydration.

Examples of food are instant noodles and canned food. There are also packaging snacks such as biscuits and chips, as well as ready -to -eat frozen food.

4. Caffeinated and carbonated drinks

Caffeine has a diuretic effect that increases the frequency of urination, so that the body loses fluid faster. Carbonated drinks can also cause bloating and not provide optimal hydration.

5. Diuretic vegetables

Some vegetables, such as asparagus and celery, are natural diuretics that can increase urine production and cause faster fluid loss.
Choose vegetables rich in water such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and lettuce to maintain body hydration.


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