If consumed routinely 5 of these foods can prevent kidney damage


Eating patterns are very influential on kidney health. Choose foods that are rich in antioxidants because they can prevent kidney damage.

Kidney is one of the important organs of the body. This organ plays a role in removing impurities and toxins in the body. In addition, also to control blood pressure and balance electrolyte levels.

If the kidney function is damaged, the condition can be fatal because it will cause a deadly disease. Starting from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and others.


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How to prevent kidney damage can be by eating foods that contain important compounds and have antioxidant properties.

Quoted from the Times of India (11/02/25) and 5 foods to prevent kidney damage.

1. BIT

beet fruitBeets are rich in antioxidants. Photo: Istock

Rich in antioxidants and nitrates, beets can reduce blood pressure and improve blood alirah. Beets are also high in fiber that can help digest food.

If the digestive tract is smooth, the benefits can help detoxify the kidneys. In addition, beets are also packed with high amounts of betanin.

Betanin is a phytochemical substance that can help clean the accumulation of struvite and calcium phosphate in the kidneys. By increasing kidney function.

2. Know

Tofu can be a choice of vegetable foods that can prevent kidney damage because of its protein content. According to Nutritionist Ruz, animal protein has a higher acid content.

This can burden the kidneys, because the kidneys play a role in balancing the body’s pH and eliminating acids. Tofu is one of the foods that supports this process.

“Unlike animal protein, vegetable protein can help increase the body’s pH and avoid the potentially dangerous acidic environment in the body,” Ruz said.

Foods to prevent kidney damage are in the next yard.

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