How to fry martabak know not to absorb oil, right for breaking the fast – Martabak knows to be one of the favorite choices as takjil when breaking the fast.

Besides being easily found in various places, this food can also be made by yourself with simple ingredients such as spring rolls, eggs, and tofu.

However, so that Martabak knows it remains crispy and not oily, there are some tricks that must be considered when frying it.

Also read: How to Warm Egg Martabak, See Advice from Chef

How to make martabak know not too much oil

Here is a way to make martabak tofu does not absorb excess oil.

1. Make sure the contents are not too wet

Tofu martabak filling generally consists of a mixture of eggs and crushed tofu. However, if the filling is too wet, spring rolls will become soft, difficult to crunchy, and easier to absorb oil.

Therefore, make sure the ratio between eggs and tofu is balanced. Also avoid adding water to the dough so as not to make it more runny.

2. The skin is not too thin

Lumpia skin that is too thin can absorb more oil, especially if in direct contact with wet filling.

We recommend that you use two layers of spring rolls to make it stronger and not easily torn. In addition, when rolling the contents, make sure the folds are tightly closed so that the martabak is not easy to leak when fried.

Also read: The meaning of martabak bright moon from China, is believed to make it beautiful

3. Proper frying technique

The frying process also plays an important role in determining the final outcome of tofu martabak. Here are some correct frying tips:

  • Use large amounts of oil so that martabak is completely submerged.
  • Heat the oil with a rather large fire so that the skin is yellowing quickly and crispy.

Avoid stirring too often martabak when frying, because it can cause the filling to absorb more oil.

Illustration of Martabak Tahu Putih.Doc.shutterstock/fidia Helianti Illustration of Martabak Tahu Putih.

4. Drain in a standing position

After the tofu martabak is cooked, immediately remove and drain it on oil absorbers. Make sure the martabak is placed in a standing position so that excess oil can go down. Change oil absorbers regularly for more optimal results.

By following the tricks above, the tofu martabak produced will be more crispy and not oily.

Also read: Mini Martabak Recipe Fill Durian, Can For Jaulan Ideas

Serve with peanut sauce, cayenne pepper, or chili sauce for a more delicious taste. In addition to being a breakdown dish, tofu martabak made with this technique can also be a profitable business idea.

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