KOMPAS.com – Kencur rice is one of the traditional herbal medicine which has many health benefits.
You can make kencur rice ice for fresh and healthy takjil menu, how to make it easy.
Kencur rice ice is made with kencur, rice, lemongrass, brown sugar, white sugar syrup, and ice cubes.
Check out the following Kencur Rice Ice Recipe, quoted from the book “Menu Daily Set-Fry” (2023) by Yantie Febrianti Husein published by PT. Agromedia Pustaka.
Also read:
- 50 cm kencur, puree
- 5 lemongrass stems, memor
- 15 tablespoons of rice, roasting, puree
- 50 grams of shaved brown sugar
- 15 tablespoons of white sugar syrup
- 1,200 ml of water
- Ice cubes as needed
Also read:
- Boil water, add kencur, lemongrass, rice, and brown sugar. Boil again. Lift and chill.
- Arrange ice cubes and white sugar syrup in a glass. Pour kencur rice water. Serve.