Eating liver and raw torpedo is the secret of this man’s healthy secret


This man claimed that extreme food became a special diet that healthy his body. There are organs in the form of liver, pancreas until torpedo Raw that is eaten every day.

Believe in the efficacy of certain foods makes many people go on a special diet. Various types of popular diet are done such as vegan, vegetarian or intentionally consuming certain foods to get the benefits.

Not a few also several types of diets that undergo extreme rules. Eating time that is too tight or even food consumed is extreme food that is not thought of.


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A man who is also famous as an adventurer claimed to undergo an extreme diet to maintain his health. Foods that are not natural to consume are actually eating every day by body that are stronger.

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Eating liver and raw torpedo is the secret of this man's healthy secretThis man admits eating raw animal organs to be his health supplement. Photo: Daily Mail

Quoting the Daily Mail (13/3) Bear Grylls exclusively shares a special diet menu through a short video on his Twitter account. He said there was a food that was deliberately consumed to strengthen the body and immunity.

The food is called by Grylls as the best quality red meat and nutritional solid food. In fact, the red meat in question is the pancreas, heart to torpedo Animals are swallowed in raw conditions.

Grylls said that the consumption of organs in animals raw is a food supplement that has been trusted for generations. He also advised many people to follow the diet menu to live healthier.

“We have to eat the pancreas and animal liver. (Food) It is very nutritious, both trusted for generations or naturally,” said Grylls.

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Eating liver and raw torpedo is the secret of this man's healthy secretHe devoured his heart, pancreas to raw torpedo as his healthy supelemen. Photo: Daily Mail

In addition, Grylls also explained that not all organs or animal meat can be consumed by it. He only wants a cow that is given seeds and grass to be maintained.

In addition to consuming organs in animals that are still raw, there are several other diet menus, namely processed raw milk, fruit to honey. Grylls said the food he was most avoided was processed and fast food.

“I take a hereditary supplement, pay attention to the list. This is because our body actually needs more animal organs not just days. We also have to eat the pancreas, liver and torpedo“continued Grylls.

Grylls also emphasized that this diet pattern has been lived for years ago. He claimed that eating animal organs in raw conditions is a way to maintain his body through difficult journey as an adventurer.


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