Do these 4 practical ways so they are not easily thirsty during fasting


The feeling of thirst during fasting is inevitable. Especially if you move outdoors and hot weather. Do this practical way so it is not easily thirsty during fasting.

So that the body is not easily dehydrated and strong until the time to break the fast arrives, know the way not to be easily thirsty during Ramadan fasting.

When fasting, the body is indeed easier to experience dehydration. Because people who fast will tend to drink less water than usual days.


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How to prevent excessive thirst during fasting can be done by changing patterns of daily habits during Ramadan. Here’s how to not get thirsty quickly when fasting, as quoted by CNN Indonesia (10/4):

1. Expand drinking water

The origin of the rules for drinking 8 glasses a day, is it still effective?Drink plenty of water photo: getty images/ktstock

Make sure enough to drink water when breaking the fast and dawn. Drink at least eight glasses a day by dividing water intake, for example since dawn, breaking, and the night after tarawih prayers.

But do not consume water as well as in large quantities, because the body will actually have difficulty absorbing water.

2. Consumption of fruits and vegetables

Another way to get fluid intake is by consuming lots of fruits and vegetables. Besides having a high water content, fruits and vegetables are also rich in vitamins and minerals which help complement the nutritional needs for the body.

Fruits that contain lots of water such as watermelons, grapes, starfruit, apples, oranges, kiwi, and oranges. You can also choose vegetables that contain lots of water such as green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery, and cabbage to keep the body hydrated.

Tips so as not to get thirsty quickly when fasting is on the next page.

Check out the video “Video: Don’t forget to eat fruit vegetables at dawn to resist hungry!
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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