JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Coffee cups are not only made from glass. There are also ceramic cups which are usually used as containers for caffeine drinks.
At least two coffee cup materials: glass and ceramic, are most commonly found in cafes and restaurants.
According to Ryan Wibawa, Head of Coffee Common Grounds, apart from the material, the shape of the coffee cup also influences the taste of the coffee.
“The shape of a ceramic glass is shaped from bottom to top with close rim (the edges close), it can improve the texture of the coffee you drink,” said Ryan in a media meeting at Common Grounds Menteng Terra, Friday (22/11/2024).
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However, it also depends on the type of coffee used. Ryan gave an example of the type of coffee Geisha tends to have light (light).
“Because the characteristics of Geisha coffee are sufficient lightso it can improve our coffee drinking experience,” he said.
It’s different with ceramic coffee cups with thick rims. This type of container makes the aroma of the coffee more pronounced when you drink it.
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Ceramic coffee cups with thin rims make the coffee taste more sour.
“If the rim of the cup is thin, the texture will be fine acidity-it’s more pronounced. “If the edges are thicker, the texture of the coffee will feel thicker,” he said.
This is also different from a coffee cup, which has thin edges and an open shape, making the coffee flow more widely in the mouth.
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Finally, a coffee cup with this shape can spread the sour taste of coffee throughout the mouth.
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