Consumption of dates can lose weight, as long as you follow this method


In an effort to lose weight, many people choose alternative foods, such as consuming dates as a substitute for sugar. Can you help you lose weight?

Maintaining a diet can not only provide health benefits to the body, but can also help get the ideal body shape.

One challenge in maintaining a diet is about sugar intake. Therefore, not a few people who choose alternative foods, such as dates to substitute natural sugar.


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Dates are considered as alternatives to healthier foods that not only reduce calorie intake, but also contain important nutrients that the body needs.

datesDates can be used as a substitute for natural sugar, as long as they are limited to consumption. Photo: Getty Images/Annapustynnnikova

So can dates help the diet process? Quoted from News18 (03/14/25) although dates are nutritious, but must be consumed in moderate amounts due to high calorie content.

Dates naturally contain high sugar. This contributes to the amount of calories. Quoted from Healthline, 1 dates contain about 20 calories.

Therefore, consuming five dates will produce about 100 calories. It should also be noted that the size and type of dates can affect the calorie content.

In addition, dates also contain important fiber, vitamins, and minerals. These nutrients make the right dates the choice of nutritious food.

DatesDates have a good fiber to launch digestion. Photo: Getty Images/Enez Selvi

The fiber content can help hold hunger and increase fullness. In addition, dates can also increase energy levels for the body.

However, because of the density of calories, consuming in the ideal dose is the key when consuming dates if you want to lose weight. Limit dates consumption so that they are not excessive.

Meanwhile, using dates as a substitute for processed sugar can be a healthier choice. Dates syrup can be selected to serve food and drinks.

However, to avoid excessive calorie consumption, enjoy enough dates. Calorie calculations of dates in daily calorie intake.

In addition, if you suffer from diabetes or other health conditions, consult a doctor before adding dates to the daily diet to lose weight.


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