Consuming too many energy drinks can trigger baldness in men


Who would have thought that consuming too much energy drinks could actually trigger hair loss and even baldness in men.

Hair loss is a symptom of aging that comes naturally. But it turns out that an unhealthy diet or eating pattern can trigger hair loss and cause baldness.

Reporting from DailyStar UK (09/01), according to the latest study, several packaged drinks can actually trigger men’s hair to fall out.



According to data from The Sun, there is a higher risk of hair loss in men who often drink energy drinks or drink sweetened coffee and tea.

Also read: So that your hair doesn’t go bald quickly, be diligent in consuming these 5 delicious fruits” in full

Consuming too many energy drinks can trigger baldness in menConsuming too many energy drinks can trigger baldness in men Photo: iStock Illustration

Several health experts from Tsinghua University in Beijing also found that fizzy drinks, even drinks that fall into the sports drink category, can cause men to experience hair loss and even baldness.

These researchers involved 1,000 men from China, aged 18-45 years, who were studied for four months. During this time, researchers recorded their eating habits as well as their mental health.

A more complete explanation is published in the journal Nutrients. Researchers claim that men who consume 1-3 liters of these drinks per week have a 42% higher risk of experiencing hair loss. Compared to men who rarely consume sweet drinks and energy drinks.

Consuming too many energy drinks can trigger baldness in menConsuming too many energy drinks can trigger baldness in men Photo: iStock Illustration

This research is also supported by the confessions of men who experience hair loss, that they drink 12 glasses of sweet drinks a week.

Apart from sweet drinks that are high in sugar and energy drinks, it turns out that fast food also has an effect on men’s hair health.

Several studies show that men who often eat fast food, and rarely eat vegetables, experience hair loss more often.

Researchers recommend maintaining a healthy, balanced diet, so that this side effect does not occur in men.

“Hair follicle cells are the second fastest cells in the body, and need all the nutrients from a healthy, balanced diet. Such as a diet that is high in protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats. Including the intake of vitamins and minerals, because there are no superfoods specifically for hair,” explained Dr. Sharon Wong, a dermatologist from London.

“Because hair is not an important structure for humans to survive. So the body does not prioritize the use of nutrients for hair growth. Because lack of nutrition and irregular eating patterns are common causes of hair thinning and loss,” concluded Dr. Sharon.

Also Read: Nearly Bald Because She’s Vegan, This Woman Now Regularly Eats Raw Offal” in full


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