Consuming these 5 low-sodium foods can make your heart healthy


Consume foods high in sodium or high salt not good for heart health. If you want to improve heart health, it’s better to choose these 5 foods.

Foods that are high in sodium are certainly not good for health. Sodium itself is an important mineral that the body only needs in small amounts. Therefore, if consumed in large quantities it can cause high blood pressure and increase the risk of developing several dangerous diseases ranging from heart disease, stroke, to kidney failure.

As you get older, blood pressure will also increase. Monitoring sodium intake ultimately becomes important to pay attention to. Sodium content is found in several foods such as bread, pizza, sandwiches, or foods sold in fast food restaurants.



If you want to protect heart health, you should choose low-sodium foods. Consuming low sodium foods will of course make different changes, including helping to maintain daily salt intake.

Low sodium foods that can be consumed range from vegetables to fruit. Summarizing (2304/2021), nutritionists reveal 5 low-sodium foods that can be consumed.

1. Vegetables

Illustration of vegetables that gout sufferers should not consume.Vegetables, especially green vegetables, will significantly benefit heart health. Photo: Louis Hansel/Unsplash

Vegetables contain important nutrients for overall body health. However, in particular, regular consumption of vegetables can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

Research shows that if a person increases vegetable consumption, especially green vegetables such as spinach or broccoli, this will significantly benefit heart health.

Apart from green vegetables, you can eat vegetables that are naturally low in sodium such as cucumber, green beans, eggplant, asparagus, and garlic. Also make sure the vegetables are cooked the right way. It would be better if just boiled or cooked in an air fryer rather than frying it in oil.

2. Herbal Seasonings and Spices

Not only whole food ingredients, but a series of ingredients such as herbs and spices are also the right choice as a low sodium food option.

If you are cooking a dish, it would be better if it is seasoned with additional spices or herbal ingredients rather than with added sugar and salt. This will also enrich the taste of the dish.

But if you really want to cook with additional herbs or spices, you should choose natural ingredients without a mixture of preservatives or other ingredients. Because many ready-to-use spices like this that you find in supermarkets usually have additional ingredients added to them.

Watch Video “Video: Nutritionist’s Notes for Free Nutritious Eating: Don’t Endorse Fried Foods
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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